Wiring Question on Brake Circuit
Antnicuk - 13/7/08 at 07:33 AM
I have fitted my stop switch and Resovoir and need to wire them in, the loom is a universal one from a kit car guy in the uk called Car Looms. There
are 3 wires going to the brake pedal, 2 the same colour and one different, and the same for the fluid level switch. Do i connect the 2 that are the
same colour to the same terminal and the odd coloured one to the other?
any help greatly appreciated.....
02GF74 - 14/7/08 at 09:39 PM
stop switch and Resovoir and need to
what exasctly do you mean by that?
the stop switch I assume is to operate the rear brake lamps.
the reservoir should have a cap - what is it from - some more info. would perhaps help - with a level swtich that light up a lampwhen fluid is low.
the two are not in any way connected.
to assume that same coloured wires in a loom and components fromo two unrelated manufacturers is a sure route to product lost of acrid
smalling smoke.
regaring the reservoir. search on here for the wiring but basically the cap has 3 wires - I forget the oclours.
1. goes to lamp (other side of lamp is to igntion switched 12 V)
2. connected to 1
3. connected to other side of low level switch - this goes to 0 V
so we have:
12 V ----- lamp ------ low level switch --- 0V
notice 2. - this allows you to take a wire from this point and wire it to the handbrake so the lamp is one wither when the fluid is low OR when the
handbrake is on - the latter shows the the lamp is woring - something you need to demonstrate at SVA.
there is a wiring diagram that explains is much better.
you should really figure out the cap wrinng using a voltmeter and then check loom diagram before connecting any wires.
Macbeast - 14/7/08 at 10:08 PM
This may help
Not sure who's copyright it is, but thanks
[Edited on 14/7/08 by Macbeast]