Hi, I've been following this site http://www.robcollingridge.com/kitcar/design/engine/electrics.html on wiring in my R1 5pw but im not sure what
to do next. I have already connected all the sensors and sorted the exup,side stand, clutch and blue/white starter switch so could anyone help with
what to do with the main switch wiring and handle bar wiring?
Thanks for any help
I am at a similar stage as yourself - as well as using robs site I was gven this link which I found uselful -
I havent plucked up the courage to start my engine yet though !!!
Mark thats great and just what i wanted, i heard chockymonster had done a wiring help bit but had never found it and that sounds nice and simple although i have a red 4 pin connector and not a 2 pin?. The MNR might be back on track now cheers