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Megajolt Laptop Problem
coozer - 19/7/08 at 12:47 PM

I originally messed around with my Megajolt with a desktop pc next to teh car in the garage.

Now I'm on the road I want to use my laptop but the Megajolt software wont start up. When I click the icon I get the start banner then this message:

mjljconfig.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are are sorry for the inconvenience.

Any software guru's know whats causing the problem? Registry setting possibly?


David Jenkins - 19/7/08 at 01:08 PM

Have you tried re-installing the software?

Also, does your laptop have enough memory (not usually an issue) and disk space left to run the code?

If that doesn't work, I recommend posting this question on the Autosport Labs forum - Brent Picasso is always ready to help out...


BenB - 19/7/08 at 10:15 PM

That sounds like a general FUBAR fault.

It's going to be tricky sorting that one out because it's so non-specific...

Try uninstalling the software and do a fresh install....