Hi im trying to replace the exup servo motor making the chip in this thread
the problem i have is maplins dont sell 4503 or maplins number QQ41. Does anyone know what this is and what i could use in its replacement.
This is my reciept for the bits from Maplins. There's 2 of every thing in case I screwed up the first attempt.
...and a simpler diagram of the circuit on strip board incase your as bad as me at these things.
Hi Adrian, your part of the post was what i was refering too as maplins no longer stock that 4503 component and not knowing what it does im not sure
what to use to replace it with.
Have you also go an underside picture of you board as im unsure where you have soldered what to what?
[Edited on 23/7/08 by bassett]
In that case you need someone with more knowledge than me for the alternative component (BobC maybe).
I'll check my photos tonight but I think thats all I had. On the diagram each horzontal each line represents one copper strip of the board.
The 4503 is a hex buffer.
Should be lots of alternatives out there.
Unfortunately Maplins have decided they'd rather sell shiny computer chassis fans than electronics components and have turned it into a Tandys
type shop
RS or Farnell should sell all the bits you need.
Thanks Chris that was just the info i was after. Thanks to everyone else who posted and replied by u2u its been a great help.