Anyone drilled a hole through the firewall in the pasenger footwell and bolted studs in to get an earth point? I don't want to weld my chassis
with Studs.... having had it painted.... I know should have welded the studs in before...too late now!
Dave B
drill and tap....stainless bolt is best
Anyone drilled a hole through the firewall in the pasenger footwell and bolted studs in to get an earth point? I don't want to weld my chassis with Studs.... having had it painted.... I know should have welded the studs in before...too late now!
Personally I just drilled a hole in the chassis and used a coach screw to clamp the earth strap onto the chassis. The coach screw is in contact with
the thread it produces so you get a good contact....
No problems yet....
why not use rivnut bits
Yep, my battery is down the side of the passenger footwell and the earth point is a short load bolted to the bulkhead. The same lead goes through to the engine bay and is bolted to the engine block as well.
see my photo's the battery is in the footwell! conections through the front!