Firstly, has anyone got a premier wiring diagram for the sierra loom? It's been so long that I fit mine originally to the pinto that I've
lost it
Secondly, my starter motor:
I've just taken it out the car and bench tested it. I connected the fat battery +ve to terminal 2 and then bridged/jumped 2&3... nothing.
(this was with battery -ve on the other end of the starter motor)
When I tried battery -ve on terminal 3 the starter engaged (had only managed to get it to spin when it was in the car, so it can do both things i.e.
not knackered). Then I tried battery -ve to the other end of the starter and it tried to engage once very briefly. So then I wire brushed the crap out
of it and tried again but I can't seem to get it to engage anywhere other than terminal 3. Do I need a better earth for the -ve battery cable?
The body of the starter is the earth , so it should be +ve to terminal 2 , and starter switch to terminal 3 - try bolting an earth (-ve) to one of the starter mounting bolts .
I wired brushed one of the starter mounting threads and bolted the -ve lead on to it really tight but that doesn't do anything
"and starter switch to terminal 3" <== what's that mean exactly. Is that for when I'm bench testing or when it's in the
Me is stoopid (wiring n00b ITT)
You should have a permanent live from the battery (via the alternator) to terminal 2 , earth via the motor body , and then when 12 volts is applied to
terminal 3 it should engage and turn .
Thats how mine is , and it looks about the same
And dont forget to bung a nut on terminal 1 , its taking all the starting current !
[Edited on 12/8/08 by clairetoo]
Term' 2 is main battery feed (big fat wire from the battery).
Term' 3 is the activation feed from the starter switch (powers the solenoid which, engages the drive gear and connects term's 1+2
Term'1 in your picture is missing a nut. No wires should be connected to this other than the feed into the moter body as seen in the picture.
Without a nut you won't have a connection.
Earth is through the body.
To test put big earth to body. Big +ve to 2.
Trigger it by putting +ve to 3.
[Edited on 12/8/08 by adithorp]
Originally posted by adithorp
To test put big earth to body. Big +ve to 2.
Trigger it by putting +ve to 3.
I think Adie meant terminal 1 needs to have a nut !
Sorry, now corrected.
As above ^^^ It looks as if you are missing a nut on terminal 1.
Ahh I see, there was a thin plate on that terminal linking it to the body of the starter and without a nut it wasn't getting a decent connection. Put the nut back on and tightened it and it now engages and whirrs! ^__^
Got it back in the car now and I've got it all sorted, turns on the key now!
Much thanks for all the help!
Next job: working out why my hazard switch doesn't flash and is always illuminated when turned on...
[Edited on 12/8/08 by Benzine]
^^^^ wot they say.
terminal 1 supplies current, andd lots of it, to the start motor itself.
it needs to have good electrical contact achieve by having clean terminals and connected tightly i.e. by using a nut to clamp it all up.
You wouldn't have had that problem with a BEC!
Originally posted by sucksqueezebangblow
You wouldn't have had that problem with a BEC!![]()
Re the wiring diagrams- phone premier and he'll send you all the info out. I lost mine and he was very very obliging!