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FIA Isolator
Dave Bailey - 28/8/08 at 09:32 PM

Anyone know if it is sufficient to just isolate the main power feed to the Permanent and ignition and not isolate the supply to the Starter motor with the FIA isolator switch?

Dave B

mark chandler - 28/8/08 at 09:53 PM

Not of you want to race!

The extra terminals are there for a reason, if you just disconnect the battery with the engine running the alterator will keep things powered up so you achieve nothing beyond an imobiliser.

The little switches typically cut the ignition circuit and drop a resistor on the live to drag the alternator down.

Regards Mark

[Edited on 28/8/08 by mark chandler]

Dave Bailey - 29/8/08 at 08:12 PM

Sorry didn't explain too well... I intend to break the ignition circuit but I was talking about the 150 amp or so cable that goes to the starter motor... I want to leave this going straight from the battery and not through the isolator.

Dave B

nz_climber - 29/8/08 at 10:10 PM

Thats what I was planning on doing with my isolater.