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Speed awareness course
pinto - 21/2/10 at 10:22 AM

Is it worth doing the speed awareness course
i know it saves getting points
but if you get caught again
do you get those points as well as the new ones
(ps not me this time the wife )

speedyxjs - 21/2/10 at 10:35 AM

Id say yes it is worth doing it and no, if you get caught again, you dont get both lots, just the new ones.

matt_gsxr - 21/2/10 at 10:35 AM

My wife went on one. She couldn't be bothered, but I encouraged her ;-)

She really enjoyed it. For weeks after she was repeating stuff.

I guess it depends on the "tutor" but hers was an ex police driver and all very practical.


UncleFista - 21/2/10 at 10:48 AM

Be careful, I've read of people who've gone on a speed awareness course and been caught speeding afterwards, they had the book thrown at 'em...

David Jenkins - 21/2/10 at 11:01 AM

My wife went on one last year - actually found it quite interesting. She does watch her speed now (but still speeds occasionally).

She was told that if she's caught again within a set number of years she won't be offered the course - it'll be an automatic fine or straight to the magistrates' court, as appropriate.

"Extra punishments" weren't mentioned.

eddie99 - 21/2/10 at 11:32 AM

I know a few people who have done this and they all say its dull but its better than 3 points. And i've read that they can't stack anything up. The course doesn't go on your record so if you get done again, they can't see that you've done this.

Danozeman - 21/2/10 at 11:58 AM

Id do it to save the points, but, if she hasnt got any then id be tempted to take the points as 3 doesnt really make much difference to your insurance. Depending on what job she does of course.

Isnt the course more than 60 quid??

My sister did it a couple of years ago, she got done in a differet county and assumed the course would be near her but it was in the county she got done in. She said it was boring, but i know people that have done it that enjoyed it.

chasmon - 21/2/10 at 12:13 PM

I attended a course end of last year...

Same price as the fine but no points, only downside is your cost of travel and the time off work to attend. If you get caught again within 3 years you won't be offered the course again. Whether or not you get offered it in the first place is dependedant on the police force where you were caught.

I can't say I found it helpful really. They try telling you modern stopping distances are no better than the highway code figures as cars are heavier... Which rubbed me up the wrong way. (Anyway I was in the Westfield on a dry day with R888s on so i reckon it shouldn't count )

pinto - 21/2/10 at 12:16 PM

The course is £75
and she dosnt work many hours (so no time of work)
Its her first points
But the way things are going you never no
She was done buy a mobile speed camera in back of van
going down a road leading to tip that we thought was 40 turns out to be 30 no houses around

mds167 - 21/2/10 at 12:23 PM

Originally posted by matt_gsxr
My wife went on one. She couldn't be bothered, but I encouraged her ;-)

She really enjoyed it. For weeks after she was repeating stuff.

I guess it depends on the "tutor" but hers was an ex police driver and all very practical.


I second that - my wife's experience was similar. And it's made her a tad more careful, which makes me happy. I'd have gone too but it's by invitation only!!!

Volvorsport - 21/2/10 at 12:55 PM

if that speed limit isnt signed correctly i would challenge it .

if youve turned off a 40mph road it should have 30 limit entering into it , of course if it has streetlights and no repeaters its 30 mph .

drive down there and check it out .