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At Last... Classic TVR Bodywork!
scootz - 2/8/11 at 06:07 PM

Why couldn't someone have supplied these about 3-4 years ago when I had my Vixen?


mookaloid - 2/8/11 at 06:10 PM


tegwin - 2/8/11 at 07:48 PM

There are quite a few places with moulds I believe, I know of atleast two places with M series moulds...

SeaBass - 2/8/11 at 07:59 PM

mmm. That body looks a bit odd in places to my eyes...


FlansS14 - 22/8/11 at 04:27 PM

Ive got one just like that...but no Gelcoat.

i wonder whos moulds they used? and what back end it has??