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3 cars per team in F1??
BenB - 29/8/09 at 09:02 AM


Surely this is just a scamola so that they can have Kimi, Massa and Alonso in one team. Cos at the moment they've got 2 cars and 3 drivers!! Schumi won't get a look in......

Or maybe it's just the Ferrari BS PR team in full flow....

If they did have 3 cars in each team things would be a bit mental on the grids!! Realistically 20-25 cars is about right in F1 I reckon.... I know things used to be a bit different back in the day but....

markyb - 29/8/09 at 09:17 AM

Schumi - I would have thought Luca Badoer would be their obvious choice

bob - 29/8/09 at 09:19 AM

At the moment the red team have 2 cars and one driver.

Not exactly cost cutting is it

Mark Allanson - 29/8/09 at 09:22 AM

3 cars per team would be great!

There should be a rule that one driver had been in F1 for at least 8 seasons, 1 driver should be a rookie and 1 open choice.

It would bring new blood into the sport and liven things up a bit.

bob - 29/8/09 at 09:28 AM

pitlane would get interesting when its time for wet tyres

iank - 29/8/09 at 09:45 AM

I suspect they don't currently (or suspect they won't) have enough teams next year to fill the grid and this is something that's actually come from Bernie/Max to save face. Looks better if it's being 'demanded by the teams'.