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B&Q selfservice checkouts argh !!!!!
britishtrident - 20/10/09 at 01:32 PM

First twice I used these they worked perfectly ---- every visit since they haven't, as a result I have now abandoned my shopping and walked out four times in frustration.

tegwin - 20/10/09 at 01:37 PM

Haha... I do the same in Tescos... I can never get them to work... good idea... but not quite there yet!

smart51 - 20/10/09 at 01:38 PM

They work OK for me. The only trouble I have is when I buy more things than will fit on the scales.

The only time I avoid the auto isles is when I buy offcuts from the timber cutting place because they don't have a barcode.

Mr Whippy - 20/10/09 at 01:39 PM

pray tell what is the problem with them?

nib1980 - 20/10/09 at 01:42 PM

a good workman never blames his tools......

flak monkey - 20/10/09 at 01:55 PM

I used to have probs with them, but now it seems to be ok.

The main problem is if you dont put stuff on the scales after its been scanned, or if you think its been scanned and put it on the scales then they seem to get themselves in a knot!

TBH i nearly always use them in the supermarket as there is invariably no queue at them

will121 - 20/10/09 at 02:04 PM

i can see why Tesco have 10% self service tills but B&Q seem to gone to only having self service and then employ someone to watch you and assist when it goes wrong, so why not just employ this person to work on the tills and work as it did!!

Mr Whippy - 20/10/09 at 02:10 PM

Originally posted by will121
i can see why Tesco have 10% self service tills but B&Q seem to gone to only having self service and then employ someone to watch you and assist when it goes wrong, so why not just employ this person to work on the tills and work as it did!!

The Tesco next to me as does Asda has one person overseeing 4 self service tills, I think B&Q do the same. Its just a way of reducing staff numbers and saving money, as is their grippyness on offering plastic bags so you can carry the 100 odd items you bought and then they ask you to pay for that as well!

At least with the Tesco/Asda self service you can grab a whole handfull of bags and make off with them

markyb - 20/10/09 at 02:47 PM

I refuse to use the tills on principle - if they want me to scan my own items they will have to pay me for the pleasure (and I aint cheap - no matter what others say )

indykid - 20/10/09 at 02:48 PM

i'm pretty certain the clamp down on issuing carrier bags that all the supermarkets had 12 months ago was to drive people to use the self service checkouts.

they've never taken free access to carrier bags off the self service tills.

i always used to go to a proper checkout until they started only giving you a single carrier bag with each shop. i always use the self service now, even if i have half a shallow trolley full (i don't do big big shops)

they seem far more reliable than they were when they were first introduced, but then i guess you have to make people use them to iron out the bugs. all the supermarkets by us now give you carrier bags at all tills now people have formed their new allegiances

it makes a big difference in the dinnertime rush too.

with the spanners that run the tills at our local B&Q, i'd gladly serve myself

[Edited on 20/10/09 by indykid]

A1 - 20/10/09 at 02:49 PM

i just dont like them cause theyre taking away jobs and human interaction.
i prefer to deal with a person than some stupid bitch computer voice.

stevec - 20/10/09 at 02:54 PM

Not that familiar with supermarkets, arn't they places where people take their kids to smack them?


Danozeman - 20/10/09 at 02:56 PM

The bnq near me has a woman on the self service tills that scan your items for you. Whats the point in that!!

trextr7monkey - 20/10/09 at 03:08 PM

We have started using Tool station for buying stuff -hand in your list or fax it down then have a brew while a ever enthusiastic dude collects it all- 7 days a week and 100% in stock!

I have no shares/interest financially in the out fit - cheap for nuts and bolts etc too!

twybrow - 20/10/09 at 03:45 PM

Why do you guys need new plastic bags each time you go to a supermarket? Just re-use some of the many you presumably have at home, or take something more sustainable.... The supermarkets wrap everything in so much plastic, you could roll all your shopping home and it would still be good when you get there!

JoelP - 20/10/09 at 04:51 PM

normally works fine for me in pee and poo, but last time every item i put down it complained about - i think it had been programmed the weights wrong. Total ballache when the guy who clears it is busy on another till.

They never realised id pinched 4 screws anyway

splitrivet - 20/10/09 at 06:25 PM

I think they employ the slowest dumbest check out operators in all DIY places and especially in B&Q Whorehouses, if they worked in Tesco's the queues would be 27 miles long.
As for placky bags they're totally banned in France have been for a couple of years now, I think we'll be next.