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Stolen Trailer.
Jon Ison - 24/10/05 at 07:35 PM

A fellow RGB competitor has had his trailer stolen, below is a description of it, if anyone See's owt, long shot i know, you know what too do.

Thought we lived in a secure cul de sac in a secure village - but between 12 midnight last night and 7am this morning the trailer was stolen from our drive. We have put a flyer around the village but no one heard anything. It was probably targeted as they ignored a couple of dingy's on a trailer over the road and took mine despite it being trapped in on 3 sides by cars and the garage.

I know it's pointless, million to 1 stuff, but makes me feel better doing something, so please keep your eyes out for a Brian James A class trailer with a home made high level tyre rack and 1 mudguard that does not match the other 3. If anyone knows of a good place to post notices like this to get the word out on stolen trailers, then would be great to hear about it.

Hellfire - 24/10/05 at 07:42 PM

Whereabouts was it stolen from Jon. Which village?

Does anyone have any pictures?

[Edited on 24-10-05 by Hellfire]

Jon Ison - 24/10/05 at 09:06 PM

Eckington, Worcestershire

JamieG - 25/10/05 at 09:16 AM

Bad luck!
Keep your eyes on e-bay, maybe it'll turn up on there!