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Is there any roofers on here??
Danozeman - 2/10/07 at 08:52 AM

As above???

Whats the average cost of having the under felt replaced?

locoboy - 2/10/07 at 09:09 AM

Buckingham Palace or a terrace on coronation street?

Might be advisable to voe approx sqm if you can.

Ps im not a roofer

DarrenW - 2/10/07 at 09:22 AM

i doubt there is an average price. Depends on what else needs doing. If felt is knackered there may be other work needed. New batons? Straight forward pitched roof or hipped? Some tiles and ridges may have softened and need replacing (if still available). On old houses some of the main timbers may need looking at (woordworm, rot etc).

Is it a full felt replacement or just the ends that need doing. Often the ends run into the gutters and rot back over time.

It would appear thet different parts of the country have varying labour rates still. You may be lucky and find a company that is slck for work in the colder months. When i had my extension and garage built a while back i supplied all materials and a good local company provided the labour for cash.

Might be a good time to consider fitting a velux? or even strengthening the flooor for loft conversion (easier to feed the steels in when the tiles are off). Just a thought.

PeterW - 2/10/07 at 09:25 AM

Originally posted by Danozeman
As above???

Whats the average cost of having the under felt replaced?

Just the felt...?? Tiles OK..??

Its not going to be cheap, as its a full scaffold job, with at a minimum replacement of ridge tiles, battens, breather membrane, any lead flashings or valleys, and whilst you're at it you might as well replace fascias if they are showing any signs of decay...

Also, some roofers don't like removing and replacing tiles as its sometimes difficult to get them off without damage. Then you end up with the issue of matching replacements, and you might as well start from scratch....

BIt more info - hips, valleys, roof layout and approx sizes and I can probably give you a ballpark to aim at



BenB - 2/10/07 at 09:45 AM

It depends how much they reckon they can screw out of you

It's important to get a roofer on recommendation- many are roofless!

Painful experiences of being ripped off and not knowing until the next winter. It does make me wonder why some workmen go to such extents to cover up shoddy work- it would be quicker to do the job properly in the first place!!!

ned - 2/10/07 at 10:03 AM

"Is there a roofer" or "Are there any roofers"
NOT "Is there any roofers"

Peteff - 2/10/07 at 11:29 AM

No, there isn't no roofers on here

To refelt they will need to strip the roof and fit new laths and rebed the ridges so it's probably going to cost as much as a new roof anyway

Danozeman - 3/10/07 at 06:33 AM

Its the whole underfelt so the batons will all have to be replaced and the chimney flashings. Most of the other houses round me have been done and the original tiles are all still on there..