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More on Mosley
Paul TigerB6 - 2/4/08 at 11:16 AM

Well for those interested in the whole saga, there's an article here including his full statement confirming he's not going to resign.

I particularly like this bit

"I shall now devote some time to those responsible for putting this into the public domain but, above all, I need to repair the damage to my immediate family who are the innocent and unsuspecting victims of this deliberate and calculated personal attack."

To my way of reading that, its apparently the covert surveylance people / reporters fault that he was caught with his pants down (literally)!! Well thats ok then - Max's wife has absolutely no excuse for kicking him into touch then as its clearly not his fault!! No appology mentioned to his family i see.


[Edited on 2/4/08 by Paul TigerB6]

r1_pete - 2/4/08 at 11:31 AM

Absolute TOSSER, should have been sacked for bringing the sport into dis repute.

Trouble is he seems un repentant at his shameless behaviour, what else does he get up to which is not yet in public domain....

nitram38 - 2/4/08 at 11:35 AM

He'll be back in F1
Money Talks

02GF74 - 2/4/08 at 11:43 AM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Absolute TOSSER, should have been sacked for bringing the sport into dis repute.

why - its his private life and after all is rumours at the moment?

regardless of whether I like him or not, how does his behaviour differ from that of the "most powerful" men in the world, a certain ex president Clinton?

David Jenkins - 2/4/08 at 11:56 AM

(allegedly) Mosely was pretending to be a Nazi and whipping prostitutes as part of his fantasy.

Clinton was caught performing fairly normal sexual acts with a pretty young woman - outside of his own bed, but reasonably conventional.

Quite a difference...

[Edited on 2/4/08 by David Jenkins]

blakep82 - 2/4/08 at 12:09 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by r1_pete
Absolute TOSSER, should have been sacked for bringing the sport into dis repute.

why - its his private life and after all is rumours at the moment?

lets take a moment to remember what nazi germany stood for, shall we?

Benzine - 2/4/08 at 12:11 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
(allegedly) Mosely was pretending to be a Nazi and whipping prostitutes as part of his fantasy.

Clinton was caught performing fairly normal sexual acts with a pretty young woman - outside of his own bed, but reasonably conventional.

Quite a difference...


iank - 2/4/08 at 12:20 PM

Originally posted by 02GF74
Originally posted by r1_pete
Absolute TOSSER, should have been sacked for bringing the sport into dis repute.

why - its his private life and after all is rumours at the moment?

He's a public figure through his role, so Nazi S+M with hookers isn't 'private life' IMO. Since he make such a show of 'ethics' in sport shouldn't he hold himself up to similar standards?

If it were a rumour there wouldn't be photos and a video and he'd be suing for liable with the prospect of millions in compensation.

IMO he'll be a laughing stock whenever he pokes his head up again, and Bernie will get rid of him by hook or by crook as soon as it impacts his earning potential.

[Edited on 2/4/08 by iank]

omega 24 v6 - 2/4/08 at 12:37 PM

Hey cmo'n the guys thinks he's untouchable cause "money talks". A leopard don't change it's spots and all that look at his past.
AFAIC it looks like someone set out to get him and they did. Well done to them. IMHO he's a complete knob and should resign from F1 I mean there are many cultures/colours in the sport who have to deal with this guy. How can he still be seen as impartial to anything (if he ever was)now??

Duncan_P - 2/4/08 at 01:06 PM

When i saw this story breaking on monday i really thought that it was someones early and rather bizzare version of an April fools joke as it was just too strange to be wrong was I

I think that Mr Mosely might find his position with the FIA more and more on the rocks especially if any more 'unsavory' details come out. It difficult to know how much is speculation and how much is true but the mere mention of Nazi uniforms especially with his family background raised my eyebrows for sure.

You notice in his statement he doesn't actually really deny anything so you can only assume that most of it is true.

DarrenW - 2/4/08 at 01:48 PM

The only argument for keeping him in is that we all know where he is and how to avoid / ignore him. If he did get the boot he could do untold damage elsewhere in secret.

As an add on thread - who would you replace him with?

Damon Hill?
Jeremy Clarkson?
Tiff Needell

Mr Whippy - 2/4/08 at 01:54 PM

67-year-old OAP having in a Nazi-style prostitute orgy in torture dungeon

you'd think he'd run off and hide out of shame

DarrenW - 2/4/08 at 01:57 PM

What if he is an innocent victim and it was a witch hunt? Could the Nazi bit have been a bit of spin doctoring by the tabloids and the only thing he is guilty of is a shag? Maybe the hookers were german and that is why he spoke to them in that language. Its not illegal to speak foreign language after all.

I know he has had some bad press lately and his decsisions seem strange at times but he is part of a team after all so maybe he is just the front man.

So lets assume the shag in question is weird but not exactly sackable - what else has he done to warrant calls for his resignation? I wonder how many people do so just because of his families history - surely he cant be pursecuted for what his father did, can he?

jono_misfit - 2/4/08 at 02:09 PM

Have you watched the video?

Everyone has their own personal tastes in the bedroom his happens to be roleplay, but i dont think thats any reason to lambast him and demand he gets kicked off the FIA.

I personally dont like him and think he does motorsport a great disservice at times and that is why he should be off the FIA.

I dont remeber seeing him proclaming anything against Jews or delivering an oratory on the virtues of fashism. It seems to be an old man getting his kicks from being whipped and whipping "slaves" etc. If you look into fetish stuff like this im sure you'll find a lot has costumes of Nazis etc.

blakep82 - 2/4/08 at 02:16 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
What if he is an innocent victim and it was a witch hunt? Could the Nazi bit have been a bit of spin doctoring by the tabloids and the only thing he is guilty of is a shag?

think the uniforms were a givaway

Mr Whippy - 2/4/08 at 02:27 PM

here as shot from the video, what a sordid affair!

DarrenW - 2/4/08 at 02:29 PM

I did watch the vid and frankly i dont find the role play in the least bit tasteful given his background, but it was just a shag. There must be many others who have done seemingly worse in more private circumstances. I still dont see how it brings the world of motorsport into disrepute. If he had a Bernie mask on and was in a bed that resembled a F1 car, and perhaps he claimed the 'experience' on expenses then i could see how it isnt good. Or perhaps if the dirty deed was conducted when he should have been in a board meeting then you could say he is neglecting his professional duties, but until that is proven he has just had a bit of slap and tickle that deserves no more than severe embarassment and facing the wrath of his wife and immediate family. He has tread a fine line and its difficult to say if it was overstepped, no-one will get a balanced view reading a paper, but its not for us to say if he has done wrong imho.

I wouldnt blame him for trying to sue the paper tbh.

r1_pete - 2/4/08 at 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
here as shot from the video, what a sordid affair!

Is that Darth Vader flying in from the right?????

02GF74 - 2/4/08 at 03:04 PM

Leave Max alone. After all, he was just taking orders!

DarrenW - 2/4/08 at 03:28 PM

Can you imagine the court case with the papers. Defence lawyer will stand up, lean over, turn the lamp around then say 'Ve hav vays of making you talk'

Mr Whippy - 2/4/08 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by r1_pete
Originally posted by Mr Whippy
here as shot from the video, what a sordid affair!

Is that Darth Vader flying in from the right?????

yes, he's into S&M too, you can see he's on the rack

DarrenW - 2/4/08 at 03:44 PM

Do you think Max was listening to 'Hit me with your rythm stick'.

Just heard it on the Radio and nearly fel over laughing - very apt indeed.

MikeRJ - 2/4/08 at 08:27 PM

Originally posted by DarrenW
He has tread a fine line and its difficult to say if it was overstepped, no-one will get a balanced view reading a paper, but its not for us to say if he has done wrong imho.

I wouldnt blame him for trying to sue the paper tbh.

I totaly agree. Whilst I can't stand the man, and feel he has inflicted considerable damage to F1 as a sport, he is also entitled to his privacy. News of the World and Sun readers appear to think you should lose any and all privacy as soon as you catch the public eye, and the scummy rags are all too happy to oblige.

As you say his taste in role play is extremely questionable, but as long as he keeps it in the bedroom with consenting adults I don't really care.

JoelP - 2/4/08 at 09:06 PM

I could tolerate it if it was with his wife, but 5 hookers? Thats asking for bad headlines. This one still makes me smile most days

Fingers crossed that brundle et al milk it as bad as the 'whos line is it' lot did

omega 24 v6 - 2/4/08 at 09:20 PM

Bet your life that big ron has been having a right laugh at this one. I mean he gets shafted over a spying scandal behind closed doors , and that makes him FIA enemy no !1. He's labelled a cheat and has to pay a big fine.

Now MM has been spyed on and shafted found to be a cheat and he's probably gonna pay the ultimate price of his job and perhaps a lot more.

Dingz - 2/4/08 at 11:01 PM


lets take a moment to remember what nazi germany stood for, shall we?

Perhaps he was doing it in memory of his Dad, Oswald. (for the benefit of the younger generations on here)

bartonp - 3/4/08 at 09:26 AM

RichieW - 3/4/08 at 11:58 AM

Looks like he may be going after all. Money talks and if the big car manufacturers dont like the bad publicity then Bernie may give him the chop if it threatens his coffers.

Why is it that all these sporting organisations ie FIA, FIFA etc are always in the hands of old duffers? They should have a compulsory retirement age of 60 IMHO to keep it things fresh and relevant. It will stop people holding on too long to posts and creating personal fiefdoms as well as reducing the "Its Buggins' turn" attitude to job selection.

I know wisdom comes with age and all that but if you haven't got a handle on the issues by the time you're 45 or 50 then you're clearly not up for the job in the first place.

Fair play to Max at the age of 67 requiring/wanting the services of the five ladies though

DarrenW - 3/4/08 at 01:49 PM

Can he be sacked if hes not actually employed by FIA?
Just picking up on an earlier press statement. He doesnt get paid for being president - not sure why he does it then. Maybe he gets such good expenses any salary would be worthless by comparison.

RK - 4/4/08 at 12:17 AM

I can't believe it has to be said, but these guys running the world are always old codgers because they have the TIME; they already have the money and now they want the POWER. And when they can't get this elsewhere, they go to sex dungeons. Of course, this is just what I've read. I have no idea really.

JoelP - 4/4/08 at 06:07 AM

there speaks the voice of experience ^^^