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kipper - 1/7/08 at 11:59 AM

Hasn't it been a good year without the fags in public places. One year today since the stinking fags were baned.
(Ducks for cover)

RoadkillUK - 1/7/08 at 12:01 PM

Yeah, the pubs round here are loving it, there are no smokers in them ... oh hang on, they're closed .. there's no-one in them.

Nevermind, at least us lepers may smoke at home.

David Jenkins - 1/7/08 at 12:06 PM

It's certainly nice to go home after a Friday night at the pub, without having my clothes stink of ciggy smoke.

Quite a few in my local have given up - the few that remain go out into the pub's forecourt.

owelly - 1/7/08 at 12:10 PM

I like not having to breath other folks filth and not stinking of ciggy smoke is nice but now all the pubs smell of toilets, stale beer carpets and BO. Bugger...

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/08 at 12:10 PM

My local pub seems busier than ever - it has a lot of live music and many new faces who were put of by the selfish smokers making everyone stink are now going out. My other local is quieter but thats more down to the change of landlord.

Afraid i am not at all prepared to be diplomatic on this subject and am 100% behind the ban. Best thing they have done IMHO

[Edited on 1/7/08 by Paul TigerB6]

Hammerhead - 1/7/08 at 12:14 PM

It's great. I get a feeling of smugness when I see the poor addicted smokers standing outside in the cold.
The problem now seems to be fag butts all over the ground, is there a selfishness drug in tobacco smoke?

NigeEss - 1/7/08 at 12:16 PM

As a non smoker I say bring it back and encourage you smokers.

Our wonderful government are losing huge amounts of revenue from you and they'll keep
hitting me, the motorist harder to compensate.

ReMan - 1/7/08 at 12:17 PM

Also a pleasant side effect for us is that almoest all pubs now have somwhere outdoor, dry and dog friendly when out walking

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 12:22 PM

I totally agree, a lot better for it

It’s so ironic now, that the folk who took it up to be with the in crowd now find themselves all alone in the cold and rain, puffing away in their little drug shelter Mocked at for being so smelly (if only they knew how much)

I worked in many places that the only canteen was thick with smoke, I don’t miss that one bit.

locogeoff - 1/7/08 at 12:27 PM

Never a better thread title

Agriv8 - 1/7/08 at 12:29 PM

Originally posted by NigeEss
As a non smoker I say bring it back and encourage you smokers.

Our wonderful government are losing huge amounts of revenue from you and they'll keep
hitting me, the motorist harder to compensate.

As you say they will claw it back one way or another. but least the fag smoke covered the smell of flactulence.



Ex smoker ( for know )

stevebubs - 1/7/08 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by ReMan
Also a pleasant side effect for us is that almoest all pubs now have somwhere outdoor, dry and dog friendly when out walking

Agreed - all the locals round my way now have nice outside seating areas with decent umbrellas and heating...

chris_smith - 1/7/08 at 12:33 PM

is it really 12mth that means i havent smoked ......for let me think.........oh yeah 12mth and i feel oh so much better for it

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Agriv8
Originally posted by NigeEss
As a non smoker I say bring it back and encourage you smokers.

Our wonderful government are losing huge amounts of revenue from you and they'll keep
hitting me, the motorist harder to compensate.

As you say they will claw it back one way or another. but least the fag smoke covered the smell of flactulence.



Ex smoker ( for know )

do you work in my office? I know the smell from the toilets! gods !

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/08 at 12:43 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy

do you work in my office? I know the smell from the toilets! gods !

Thought you worked in an office full of babes - surely there cant be a flatulence problem there in that case!!

mookaloid - 1/7/08 at 01:14 PM

Ihave found the smoking ban mildly disappointing - I like pubs again after many years avoiding them because I would come out after just a quick half stinking of cigarette smoke - so it's great that I can go in them again.

I am only disappointed because the smoking in public places ban doesn't include public streets outdoors - it's hard to walk in the street now without having to walk through clouds of smoke from all the people taking the opportunity to kill themselves a bit more in between banned areas.

I think that they should put the tax up on cigarettes so that if 50% of people give up then they should double the tax to make sure the rest of us don't lose out

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 01:18 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by Mr Whippy

do you work in my office? I know the smell from the toilets! gods !

Thought you worked in an office full of babes - surely there cant be a flatulence problem there in that case!!

women these days...equal rights and all that

Originally posted by mookaloid
I am only disappointed because the smoking in public places ban doesn't include public streets outdoors - it's hard to walk in the street now without having to walk through clouds of smoke from all the people taking the opportunity to kill themselves a bit more in between banned areas.

Just go up to them and cough in their faces

[Edited on 1/7/08 by Mr Whippy]

locogeoff - 1/7/08 at 02:05 PM

and the prize for the most self righteous goes to... ?

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 02:18 PM

Originally posted by locogeoff
and the prize for the most self righteous goes to... ?

...all the smokers who put thousands of non-smokes in an early grave simply because they insisted they had the right to smoke regardless of everyone else?

Benzine - 1/7/08 at 02:20 PM

Andi - 1/7/08 at 02:25 PM

I think we should get prescribed free smokes as an addiction. Like bag/crack heads who have been doing it 25 years and still no closer to quitting.
Oh yeah! then claim sickness benefit and DLA, mug people when we`re short, do the odd bit of burglary and shoplifting. After all, it is a recognized addiction.
Then the state could sell government backed smack and tax em for it `cos they would have to work and prove where their money came from to qualify.

Mmmm an idea lol

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 02:27 PM

? WTF is with this rabbit, it's fecking huge!! what's it been smoking?

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/08 at 02:35 PM

Originally posted by Andi
I think we should get prescribed free smokes as an addiction. Like bag/crack heads who have been doing it 25 years and still no closer to quitting.
Oh yeah! then claim sickness benefit and DLA, mug people when we`re short, do the odd bit of burglary and shoplifting. After all, it is a recognized addiction.
Then the state could sell government backed smack and tax em for it `cos they would have to work and prove where their money came from to qualify.

Mmmm an idea lol

Can get loads of treatment to help smokers quit on the NHS already!! Patches, gum, tablets etc, as well as support. Why should the NHS pay for fags for people who wont quit anyway?? Most stupid idea in ages on this site!!!

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 02:39 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
Originally posted by Andi
I think we should get prescribed free smokes as an addiction. Like bag/crack heads who have been doing it 25 years and still no closer to quitting.
Oh yeah! then claim sickness benefit and DLA, mug people when we`re short, do the odd bit of burglary and shoplifting. After all, it is a recognized addiction.
Then the state could sell government backed smack and tax em for it `cos they would have to work and prove where their money came from to qualify.

Mmmm an idea lol

Can get loads of treatment to help smokers quit on the NHS already!! Patches, gum, tablets etc, as well as support. Why should the NHS pay for fags for people who wont quit anyway?? Most stupid idea in ages on this site!!!

and meant as a joke

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/08 at 02:50 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
and meant as a joke

I'm afraid i have heard so many ridiculous arguments in the past 18 months from unbelievably self centred smokers that i wouldnt believe it was a joke (unless Andi confirms). Having lost 3 grandparents as a result of smoking and having had to avoid smokey places in the past as it affected me when playing semi pro level sport (and yes i could feel the effects of passive smoking on my fitness) i am 100% anti-smoking (so appologies for anyone bothered by my anti-smoking views!! )

locogeoff - 1/7/08 at 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy
Originally posted by locogeoff
and the prize for the most self righteous goes to... ?

...all the smokers who put thousands of non-smokes in an early grave simply because they insisted they had the right to smoke regardless of everyone else?

And that comes from someone who is a petrolhead running a car/motorcycle for enjoyment.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for bans on smoking indoors in public places, I for one don't like people smoking when I'm eating. What irks me is when people get all self righteous about it when they do many things that could have a serious effect on others

NigeEss - 1/7/08 at 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
had to avoid smokey places in the past as it affected me when playing semi pro level sport )

You need to avoid where you live then

[Edited on 1/7/08 by NigeEss]

Paul TigerB6 - 1/7/08 at 03:52 PM

Originally posted by NigeEss
Originally posted by Paul TigerB6
had to avoid smokey places in the past as it affected me when playing semi pro level sport )

You need to avoid where you live then

[Edited on 1/7/08 by NigeEss]

I did....... i moved over the border into Wales!! Away from all the polution of Ellesmere Port

PS You have U2U coming

[Edited on 1/7/08 by Paul TigerB6]

mistergrumpy - 1/7/08 at 04:08 PM

Ha! Went over to my uncles t'other week, a place named Triangle, near Halifax and we nipped down to the pub for one. Apparently he'd been in there the week before with he missus and child and they were sat outside at the table having a drink when some fella with a fag asks if he can sit at their table, there being other empty ones around mind. Uncle asks if he wouldn't because of the child and not wanting her to inhale the smoke. Smokey fella then goes mad and tells him that he has no right to be outside the pub and that he should do one! Uncle just moved table to save the hassle but what a bell end!

Mr Whippy - 1/7/08 at 04:16 PM

it's intersting to note that a few years ago I was involved in a car crash and at the time was given a blood oxygen test and it was remarked that I must be a smoker, I wasn't but did have my lunch in a canteen where others did. I had another test not long ago for a medical and was normal, well as far as my blood was concerned

UncleFista - 1/7/08 at 06:03 PM

Originally posted by locogeoff
and the prize for the most self righteous goes to... ?

What a choice [1] !

And no, I don't smoke fags

[Edited on 1/7/08 by UncleFista]

twybrow - 1/7/08 at 07:22 PM

I hate the fact that you now have to walk in/out through a fog of smoke. You can no longer just sit outside - the outside is a smokefest! Ban them all to a small secluded corner, away from the main building. Think of it as a long term investment - less smokers = less NHS bills = less tax (yeah right!?)....

ch1ll1 - 1/7/08 at 07:26 PM

well i would rather smell cig smoke all day,
than the smell of the locals toilets, stale beer and some smally fat bloke at the end of the bar !

and if you dont smoke dont go out side !

iank - 1/7/08 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by twybrow
... less smokers = less NHS bills = less tax (yeah right!?)....

There is a balance between the revenue generated from ciggy tax + savings on state pensions from smokers keeling over earlier vs the extra costs to the NHS.

Difficult to measure other than statistically, but I remember somewhere reading that people dying early + the tax saved more than the extra NHS bills cost, thus the reason it took many years to ban - smokers dying early was a good deal for the country financially speaking.

Presumably it went the other way a year or two back as state pensions have been shrunk over the years and the politicians try to privatise the NHS.

Cynical, me?

twybrow - 1/7/08 at 07:48 PM

Originally posted by ch1ll1

and if you dont smoke dont go out side !

How about if you do smoke, don't leave your house!

ch1ll1 - 1/7/08 at 08:24 PM

but i might live in a pub !!

twybrow - 1/7/08 at 10:20 PM

I might live outside you pub....!

Andi - 2/7/08 at 06:37 AM

"unless Andi confirms"

Yes I confirm.

Phew! This topics gone up in smoke.

trogdor - 2/7/08 at 01:18 PM

I loved it when the smoking ban came in, when i was working in a bookies it meant that you would be in a cloud of smoke all day. The filters from the Air con were scary with the amount of crap in them.

When the ban came in i really noticed the difference! It was interesting to see which would win out among the customers the gambling or smoking addiction.still had people in the shop saying that it was against there human rights not to be allowed to smoke.

I did nearly point out about my human right not to be posioned while at work......

mr henderson - 2/7/08 at 02:08 PM

Main place for women to smoke now seems to be in their cars. I am amazed at the number of them I see driving around with a cigarette held between their fingers, good job cars have power steering these days.
