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Zetec Big Ends - Diagnosis
perksy - 27/3/11 at 03:30 PM

Mate has an 1800 Zetec powered Westfield which had developed an Engine Knock when the engine was hot

Went and had a look with me stepherscope and it sounded like Big end knock, couldn't hear anything from cold, only when hot

Dropped the sump yesterday for a look and found these, Engine has done 23,000 miles (ARP rod bolts fitted & Westfield shallow sump)

Engines coming out on Wednesday and then i'll have a better look at the crank (which didn't look too bad tbh)
Don't really want to strip the thing to bits if possible as the compression test figures were very good and the head has some nice cams etc

I'm thinking lack of oil changes/poor quality oil or crap in the Crank oilways ?

Any of the Zetec Lads seen anything similar ?


marcjagman - 27/3/11 at 03:34 PM

Oil volume and pressure too low, crap oil etc as you said check for blockages usual stuff. A bit harsh for such low mileage.

jollygreengiant - 27/3/11 at 04:01 PM

Judging by the looks of those shells, its going to want a regrind at least. also I would want to strip the engine and flush ALL the oilways.

britishtrident - 27/3/11 at 04:10 PM

Oil surge

britishtrident - 27/3/11 at 04:12 PM

Low oil pressure should always be considered a symptom not a cause.

big_wasa - 27/3/11 at 05:11 PM

I would get another lump. stick his head on it if its been ported.

DRC INDY 7 - 27/3/11 at 06:33 PM

Last time I saw shells like that was on a seat Leon turbo which was cause be thrashing it before the oil was up to temp

fatbaldbloke - 27/3/11 at 07:29 PM

This is more like what worn shells should look like (bottom one is new). Those in the first photo in this post are horrible, that's not good. I'd be staggered if the crank is useable.

Anyway, if it's of any help I wrote up a few notes on rebuilding a zetec bottom end here.


[Edited on 27/3/11 by fatbaldbloke]

[Edited on 27/3/11 by fatbaldbloke]

perksy - 27/3/11 at 08:30 PM

Thanks for the opinions

Will know more when i strip the crank out during the week
I've only had it up high enough to get the sump off so far

The Westfield sump seems pretty well baffled to help stop oil surge to be fair, but the lad doesn't hang about so i guess anything is possible

Would rather rebuild this one if poss as its a 'known quantity' and as i said the compressions were very good and the head is all good with Kent cams & verniers already

Final decision on all this rests with the owner though as he's paying for it all


perksy - 3/4/11 at 10:07 AM

Just as an update

Stripped it further and to be fair to Ford they must make decent crankshafts, because a light grind & polish would have saved it

But the owner has decided on a different route, so he's having it all back...