posted on 22/10/09 at 03:07 PM |
Koso Speedo Pick up - help
Managed to strip the bracked off my car for my speedo pick up.
It use to be bolted to the engine and used a small 90 degree bent piece of ali that pointed it towards the prop with 4 magnets on it.
Worked fine, but a bump or dirt car caused it to get sheered off. Prob is, its a real bugger to get to, I think my arms are just too long to get in a
remake a new bracket.
So, was wondering, how would I go abotu extending the cable,a nd what magnets 9i assume they are magnets) do i need if i was to say relocate it to a
wheel, trans tunnel etc? Right now its on the output flange of the engine (r1)
I have waved it above the magnets and it still comes up with a reading so the unit does work. it have just cable tied it out the way and use the (how
quickly are my eyes streaming and nose running built in human speedo
posted on 22/10/09 at 03:47 PM |
It is a 2 cable + shielding wire. You can extend, or ring Koso and get them, to send you an extension wire.
the magnets are "earth magnets". Plenty if cheap suppliers on ebay.
Mine is on the propshaft, with the magnets stuck on with epoxy metal - seems to work well. Wheels, brake back plates, driveshafts etc have all been
used too.