posted on 4/5/10 at 09:12 AM |
Savage hazard wiring - ZX12
I need to wire a hazard switch into the standard ZX12 loom. In short the wiring for the hazards on the zx12 is just the same as the indicators.
So, grey and orange is left
and grey and green is right
and then hazards is operated by connecting all three grey, orange and green.
I see the Savage switches have 2 sets of pin number2. Am I right in thinking if I connect say green to one, orange to the other and then grey to pin1
which is power that would work?
[Edited on 4/5/10 by eznfrank]
posted on 4/5/10 at 10:02 AM |
The Savage switches are double gang (i.e. two switches in one) double throw (i.e. the have a connection in the on position and in the off position).
So you have two options. Switch the grey wire to both of the other wires but with a diode in each of the other wires, or alternatively connect the
grey to each pin 1 on both switches (note they are diagonally oposite each other) and then each of the other wires one to each switch.
The advantage of the diode option is that you can then use the other half of the switch to activate the LED in the switch.
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