posted on 16/5/11 at 07:29 PM |
Shift Light For Megajolt
Can anyone help me out with my shift light wiring.
I'm trying to fit a shift light to my Mega Jolt, its the round type with red and green LEDs, 3 wires out of the light are white +12v, red for
red LEDS and green for green LEDs. Ive wired it so that white go's to +12v and the red wire into the shift light output of the MJ ECU as i only
want to turn the reds on at my pre determined rpm. My problem is that when ive no power to my MJ ECU my red LEDs come on, when i apply power to the MJ
the LEDs go off but then the shift light doesnt come on at my set rpm. In addition the LEDs are significantly dimmer when wired through the MJ
unit....any suggestions please
posted on 16/5/11 at 07:40 PM |
as per your other thread, Snapper said the mega jolt switches to earth, that essentially makes your megajolt your +12v.
with the LED you have (i think from what you say its one LED, that goes both red and green?) i don't think you can do it.
look here, it shows the wiring
with the LED you have it will only work if you supply 12v+ and the megajolt is essentially earth. which its not.
i think you'll have to use 2 seperate LEDs. one red, one green. +ve wire to the megajolt output, -ve to earth
red one can go to the shift light, and the green can go to one of your user outputs, set to switch at a certain RPM
IVA manual link
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 16/5/11 at 07:53 PM |
The light ive got is the one as described in the autosports lab forum and as sold for £9.99 by trigger wheels. Basically its a cluster of about 16
LEDs, 6 are red and 10 are green, theres a red wire out the back of the cluster housing for the reds and a green wire for the greens, the white wire
go's to +12v and the red or green go's to the shift light output of the MJ unit where as i understand it, when the engine rpm reaches the
limit in the software, it switches to earth and turns on the leds (red or green depending on which wire is connected to the shift light output) hope
this makes it a bit clearer
Thanks a Lot
posted on 16/5/11 at 07:56 PM |
When a User Defined Output is activated the MJLJ connects the pin representing that output to Ground. Therefore, powering a device using the User
Defined Outputs involves connecting the positive input of the device to +12V, and the negative input of the device to the appropriate pin representing
the MJLJ User Defined Output.
See the following diagram for examples of powering various devices:
Go to autosportslabs web site to view wiring diagrams
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I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 16/5/11 at 07:57 PM |
Simple test. When you think you have 12v to the white cable (ignition?), try earthing the red and greens - this should bring on the LEDs when you
earth the wire. If it doesn't you probably don't have 12v. If it does then it's got to be a MS issue.
posted on 16/5/11 at 08:02 PM |
sorry, yeah you're right, i got it the wrong way round. i even wrote 2 contradicting things in one line lol
so white goes to your 12v+ supply
red to shift light output
green to a user program output
i'm lost then, sorry. have you got the recommended resistor in there too?
IVA manual link
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 16/5/11 at 08:36 PM |
Yes ive tried it with the resistor. when i connected the white direct to the +ve battery terminal and the red wire direct to -ve battery terminal or
chassis earth point the led's are really bright, a resistor dimmed them suitably but when i wire it through MJ theyre dim anyway.....might try
and connect red to one of the 4 programmable outputs cos i suspect the shift light output not working properly