posted on 24/5/11 at 08:02 PM |
Megajolt Maps
Do Megajolt ignition maps have to be entered into the ecu manually i.e the ignition advance figures manually typed in to each load/rpm bin on the 10 x
10 grid.
Also ive recently fitted a shift light which now works (previous posts when it didnt) however when ive set the rpm that the light comes on at and then
save it to the ram memory in the ecu it appears to alter the running of the engine too. Ive not made any permanent saves to the ecu yet as not 100%
that i'm doing it right at the minute. Anyone know why the engine is running differently when i set the shift light guesssing that when
i save the shift light rpm to ram there are different ignition advance values being saved at the same time, all i do is turn power off to ecu and the
engine returns to running better but then the shift light rpm is no longer saved...????
Hope that makes sense
posted on 24/5/11 at 09:27 PM |
you don't have to make a map from scratch if thats what you mean, you can take one thats close and tweak it
what engine is it and what map have you got on the ECU at the moment ?
[Edited on 24/5/2011 by mcerd1]
posted on 26/5/11 at 08:35 PM |
its a 2L Pinto, i dont know what map ive got on at moment cos when i connect computer up all i seem to be able to find is a 10 x 10 grid all of which
is coloured purple with no values in, ive seen maps with different advance figures in the grids which are shown in different colours. I'm sure
there must be a map on the ecu cos the engine runs quite well just dont seem to be able to get it on my computer screen....??
posted on 26/5/11 at 08:50 PM |
try the 'get ignition configuration' button first then - it loads the current ECU setting of to the PC
save a copy of this somewhere safe before tring anything more
then try out your mods (you can save any configuration you like as a file on your pc)
once your happy commit it to flash (ie save it onto the ecu properly)
posted on 27/5/11 at 05:21 PM |
Ok thanks for the advice, i'll give it a try over the week end