posted on 20/2/12 at 09:09 PM |
Fireblade speedo Pulses
Does any body know the number of pulses the Fireblade speed sender outputs per revolution?
mark chandler
posted on 20/2/12 at 10:26 PM |
You will need 9 magnets on the propshaft if running 919 blade clocks with 185/60/13 tyres and 3.65 diff.
That will get you pretty close to true speed
Mine then all flew off 
posted on 21/2/12 at 12:27 AM |
How did you work it out? I presume I can connect a multi meta and count the pulses as I turn the shaft by hand?
posted on 21/2/12 at 08:48 AM |
You won't pick up the pulses on a multimeter. You would need an oscilloscope, the pulse widths will most likely be mili seconds, a multimeter
or your eye cannot pick that up.
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.
George Best
posted on 21/2/12 at 01:39 PM |
Which speedo sensor?
mark chandler
posted on 21/2/12 at 04:37 PM |
I worked out prop RPM to road speed then ran my lathe at the equivilent of 60mph
Stuck a bit of 2" scaffold pole into the chuck and added magnets until the speedo read 60mph
Also with this gearing 125mph ~ 12,500rpm in 6th so you can see you are pretty close until the magnets fly off
For the sensor I used a ABS pickup from the sierra I think, may have been a range rover one as I had some of these laying around.
You do not need magnets BTW just lumps on metal, I need to make a thin plate and sandwich between the prop adaptor and prop really
Regards Mark
[Edited on 21/2/12 by mark chandler]