posted on 3/10/04 at 10:54 PM |
Flasher Relay Help!!
Having a nightmare with my flasher relay!!
It's a basic 3-pin relay (31 Earth, 49 Live Feed, 49a to Switch) from Premier wiring.
Problem is when I connect it it doesn't flash and with a light in the circuit it just seems to stay on dimly when switched.
Have gone over the connections again and again and am certain I have them right and I have also tried another relay the same as I have two and it
seems to do the same thing.
Anyone any ideas!
To confirm I have a fused feed to pin 49 and then earth from 31 and then pin 49a going to a switch then from the switch to the light then from light
to earth.
posted on 3/10/04 at 11:43 PM |
Try connecting three bulbs in parallel as the units are usualy load sensitive.
posted on 4/10/04 at 07:24 AM |
Thanks Dusty, I must admit I did think about this but didn't try it, will try it tonight.
posted on 4/10/04 at 09:16 AM |
dont you mean two bulbs? 2x 21w. The side bulb is i think 5w and wont make a lot of difference.
Mechanical flashers are basically a relay contact with a heater coil around it. As current (to the bulbs) heats up the coil, it heats up the
bimetallic relay contact, which opens, shorting out the coil. This then supplies full power to the light, and none to the coil, which cools the strip
down. The strip goes back, and disconnects direct feed to the bulb, heating up the strip via coil current again, and the whole process repeats.
If you dont have enough load, then the contact never heats up and closes and the bulb will be permanently fed via the 'heater coil' in
seiries - hence dim but no flashing.
posted on 5/10/04 at 08:08 PM |
thanks guys for this, connected all lights up and works a treat!!