posted on 22/9/13 at 10:51 AM |
Savage brake test switch
I recently fitted a savage brake test/warning switch to my car as it was one of the IVA fails (only had a light on the dash previously which
illuminated when pressing the plunger button the master cylinder cap).
I wired it as per the instructions it came with but I can't get it to light up when pressing the master cylinder button. It does work and light
up when you press the actual button itself!
The previous light (which failed the IVA) was wired: +V then the dash light - then the master cylinder - then earthed to the chassis.
The new button is the round aluminium type which illuminates red when pressed with 1,2,3 (x2) and A,B terminals.
Has anyone else had the same problem or know how I can sort it out please?

omega 24 v6
posted on 22/9/13 at 11:11 AM |
Take a pos to the switch ( term 1 ) and loop to master cyl.
Take a switch wire from master cyl ( the one that was on earth ) back to the switch side of the savage switch ( 2 or 3 cant remember what one is N/O
contacts) loop to a or b ( if its a bulb it won't matter if its an led then the pos side of the led) then from the remaining term a or b to
That should do it.
If it looks wrong it probably is wrong.
posted on 22/9/13 at 11:18 AM |
Thank you omega 24 v6. I'll give that a try later and let you know how I get on. Cheers.
posted on 22/9/13 at 03:37 PM |
Is the light within the button supposed to light up when you press the reservoir button?
Do you still have the brake fluid warning light (as well as the button) on the dash?
Does this new button replace the brake fluid warning light?
Sorry for all the questions but I've not come across the Savage Switch before.
I wired my park brake lever to illuminate the brake fluid warning light as a check for the bulb - this is the way most production cars deal with the
issue as I'm sure you already know!
[Edited on 22/9/13 by JAG]
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 22/9/13 at 04:45 PM |
This is how our one works
Shows handbrake on
Shows low brake fluid
Push to test
Passed iva ok.
posted on 23/9/13 at 09:04 AM |
JAG - Yes it's supposed to light up when you press the button and I removed the original light to use the holes in the dash for the new button.
So it has been replaced.
I think it might have been easier (and cheaper) to just wire it to the handbrake
I'm going to try Omega 24v6 's method first and see how I get on. Cheers.
posted on 23/9/13 at 06:21 PM |
Thanks guys for your help. I sorted it once I linked a positive to what was the earth on the master cylinder
I'm just waiting for my manufacturers plate from MK now and I can book the retest. 