posted on 3/1/14 at 09:58 PM |
Xflow starter solenoid for Megajolt
Hey guys,
I've been a longtime lurker on this site while I've been working in the States and my Striker has been stuck in the UK. However, I took
the decision to ship the car out to Houston last year and I've finally found time to get it running again (1700 xflow now with bike carbs and
Texas license plates!).
The next project is to upgrade from distributor to Megajolt and I'd appreciate some advice.
I had to replace the old starter solenoid last year to get it running and the following warning was included in the box:
Damage Precaution: This Solenoid DOES NOT use suppression diodes. Use of this Solenoid on vehicles with Engine Control Computers will result in
permanent damage to the Computer/Processor."
It sounds like I need to change the solenoid again before the Megajolt install, but what should I get? I've not been able to find any obvious
reference online to a suitable starter solenoid which has suppression diodes built-in.
Any ideas you may have would be much appreciated.
posted on 3/1/14 at 10:21 PM |
The megajolt contains internal circuitry to protect it and should not be a problem.As far as I know no starter solenoids normally contain suppression,
although if you wanted to be extra sure the you could connect a diode across the terminals .
I would imagine that it is just a disclaimer just in case although have never seen it in the UK.
posted on 3/1/14 at 10:55 PM |
Thanks for the swift response Paul.
Electrics are certainly not my speciality. Is there a particular size or type of diode that you would suggest?
posted on 4/1/14 at 09:14 AM |
If the solenoid is built into the starter and not the older separate type then there has been no reported problems in the UK
I run Megajolt on Pinto engines which use similar starter motors with no added protection
I eat to survive
I drink to forget
I breath to pi55 my ex wife off (and now my ex partner)
posted on 4/1/14 at 10:17 AM |
I have Megajolt on my car/Zetec, which has a separate solenoid and havn't experienced any problems ...........
David Jenkins
posted on 4/1/14 at 12:05 PM |
I have Megajolt on a crossflow, and I'm using the original-style solenoid - the type that's separate from the starter motor. No problems
for the past 8 or 9 years.
posted on 4/1/14 at 11:48 PM |
That's great to hear. Thanks guys. I'll just use the separate original-style solenoid I've got already and see how it goes. I
appreciate the help.