posted on 23/11/04 at 06:59 PM |
battery maintainance
hi-all Could anyone tell me what to do with my car battery while the car is off the road for 6 months. Should I drain the battery with a small bulb
and recharge at regular intervals. Or will the battery be ok if I do nothing? Its only a few months old and I dont want to ruin it. Thanks Jacko
David Jenkins
posted on 23/11/04 at 07:40 PM |
In ascending order of usefulness:
1. Leave it in the car, disconnected. It will lose some charge and may get sulphated (not good).
2. Discharge and recharge (as you said) - better, but no need for a bulb, as it will discharge by itself anyway. Just charge it up with a decent
charger every few weeks.
3. Charge it normally, then put a trickle charger on it (about £10 from Halfrauds). Slight risk of overcharging, but works for most people.
4. Get a posh charger that monitors the voltage and charges when it goes below a certain level (£30 - £40). These give a short charge a couple of
times per day. Best option, but not cheap!
posted on 24/11/04 at 06:55 AM |
A lead/acid battery shall be kept fully charged at all times for longest possible life time.
A self discharge is always present, so charge at intervalls during the winter (every 6 weeks or so).
Every dischagre "use up" some of the life time. The deeper discharge, the more of the life time wasted. Example: a 5% discharge is
possible about 1000 times, while a 25% is possible about 250 times, before reaching a specific performance reduction. Valid for automotive
So for the best "winter rest" keep it fully charged and stored cool and dry since this minimizes the self discharge.
David Jenkins
posted on 28/11/04 at 01:08 PM |
In the end I decided to buy one of these things:
Oxford Oximiser
I have just bought one - not received it yet so obviously not tried it, but I have seen many people praise it. Time will tell!
I could have built an equivalent (see Rob Lane's pictures for a construction article) but in the end I couldn't be bothered. I'll
let you know how it works out...