posted on 14/12/04 at 10:26 PM |
Finally finished the wiring loom - diagrams attached
I have finally finished wiring the car. I built the loom from scratch and documented as I went along. The main part of the electrics is an NF Auto
fuse box unit, expensive but well worth the money in my opinion. The colours and symbols may not be industry standard but the loom works and is fully
documented. Would I do it again ? Probably not it took too long, but I did learn a hell of a lot in the process, appropriate wire gauges, fuse
ratings, relays etc. For those of you interested the zip file contains a powerpoint presentation with my wiring diagrams. Not fully proofed but
essentially all there.
posted on 14/12/04 at 11:02 PM |
cheer's mate, just started my wiring, lke you from scratch, and not a clue what I'm doing. Those pic's should sort me out!
good bit of info!
It Runs!!!!! Bring on the SVA!
posted on 14/12/04 at 11:09 PM |
no problem however, I took a quick look again, I think the fuse ratings page needs amending, they looked a little high in the document I posted (I
have changed them since). I'll check the fuse box later and post the amendment if necc.