posted on 1/4/16 at 11:16 AM |
megasquirt wont power up
I've been having one of those days, and I've got to the stage where I need HELP.
My sons kit car is parked in my garage, it's been there for years. It's a long story but basically it has never really been finished, it
was sva'd years ago. Then he changed it around, fitted a different engine and box, megasquirted it (MS! extra, 029y4) and left it alone for
Any road up, I thought I would have a play with it, had it just sitting there ticking over when I noticed Tunerstudio was telling me the coolant
temperature was high (the gauge was red). The hoses didn't feel that hot and the radiator top was just warm. I spoke to my son and he could not
remember if he had calibrated the sensors. So I downloaded Easytherm and charged in like a bull in a china shop, entered the temp/resistance numbers,
pressed write inc. then pressed download to MS. The MS went dead and now it seems to have no power. No fuel pump, nothing.
I have checked the 12v and earth pins on the DB37, they all checked out ok.
It wont connect to my computer ( I am not using a usb adapter, it goes straight into a serial port), but I read somewhere that it may still be
possible to flash the code, mine (or I) couldn't do this, it just says it couldn't connect.
So, does anyone know what I should or could do. If not can anyone suggest or recommend somewhere to get it tested and repaired?
Thanks in advance, Mick.
posted on 1/4/16 at 11:29 AM |
Was the engine running when you did the update?
May be worth posting on the MSEXTRA forum as well?
[Edited on 1/4/16 by mackei23b]
posted on 1/4/16 at 11:35 AM |
What version of MS is it?
What firmware was it using?
Were coils attached when it was updated?
posted on 1/4/16 at 11:36 AM |
first bit of fault finding,
Turn it off and on again.
seriously, disconnect the power for at least 10 minutes, also disconnect the laptop, and turn that off, remove its battery as well for 10 mins.
reconnect and try again.
posted on 1/4/16 at 11:57 AM |
Ok, here we go.
mackei23b, no the engine was turned off.
coyoteboy, MS1 extra with 029Y4, if that is not what you mean then I haven't got a clue, and yes unfortunately I had not disconnected the coils,
I might be regretting that now.
gremlin1234, I always hear people say that about a computer that is mucking about, so it was the first thing I tried. Unfortunately, well I guess you
know the answer. I do wish it was that simple though.
posted on 1/4/16 at 06:27 PM |
I believe MS has a boot loader to download code. If that gets corrupted then it needs re-programing with a programmer.
If the chip is blown the I new CPU may be needed.
I you get really stuck, I may still have the adapter to re-program MC68HC908's
posted on 1/4/16 at 07:00 PM |
I used to have a dodgy power supply to my MS1 and it would occasionally drop into the boot loader. The only way to get out of it was to get into the
terminal comms section of TunerStudio (can't tell you where exactly as I don't have it on this laptop) and press X
posted on 2/4/16 at 09:17 AM |
Morning all.
Well, maybe gremlin1234 had it right all along. Thank you.
I thought I would give updating the firmware one last chance (out of desperation really) and it worked.
The megasquirt started up, connected with the lappy, fuel pump ran, spot on|||
Thanks everyone for your help and suggestions, it's very much appreciated.