posted on 1/1/05 at 06:23 PM |
starting probs
hi guys,
got my engine turning over with the key today, coil is wired, HT leads connected and starter motor. carb is primed, and when i turn it over, no firing
tested the coil with multimeter, its ok, but there is no spark when i disconnect the plug and turn it over.
anyone got any ideas, i know there is a million and one possibilities, but any help would be very much appreciated.
many thanks, and a happy new year to all.
posted on 1/1/05 at 06:41 PM |
what engine is it specifically? id guess, if its a simple sierra engine, that you're missing an earth off either the coil or the module...
[Edited on 1/1/05 by JoelP]
posted on 1/1/05 at 06:57 PM |
oops, forgot to muntion what engine it it - 1.8cvh, no complicated electrinic ignitions/injectors etc
posted on 2/1/05 at 09:55 AM |
Have you checked for spark output fronm coil, ie remove lead from cap, fit plug to cap and turn engine over while holding plug to earth. If no spark
then try another lead in coil, if still no spark then try another coil. If still no spark then check as follows. Are you running with the crank sensor
on the front pulley or have you made other arengements. Check airgap between pulley and sensor. Check for modulated output from sensor ( a good multi
meter ought to pick it up because it would be an ac wave form). Check also that the rotor arm is fitted AND that the resistor between centre and
contact has not blown. Check also presence and condition of centre contact in distributor cap.
Not totaly fool proof but it should get you there.
Enjoy. 20 Days to go.
Beware of the Goldfish in the tulip mines. The ONLY defence against them is smoking peanut butter sandwiches.
posted on 2/1/05 at 12:31 PM |
im starting to think i have missed bits of the engine loom, and thats where my problems lie with trying to start the engine - so far, all i have wired
is the starter motor and coil.
ive probably missed a major component out due to my eagerness and havent got a clueness.
thanks again
rusty nuts
posted on 2/1/05 at 04:56 PM |
Seem to remember some sierras had ignition system earth directly to battery neg? Best of luck. Rusty