posted on 7/2/17 at 11:25 AM |
Dashboard switches. Waterproof or not?
Hi All,
Bit of a straw poll here on thoughts regarding whether or not to use waterproof switches or not.
I've a partly open (doors can be removed, likely to get caught out in wet weather!) 4x4 build and I'm struggling to get a matching toggle
style switches that are DPDT, waterproof, have a DC current rating >5A, and don't cost a small fortune! Looking for a latching On - None -
On, and a latch/momentary On - None - (On).
I've just found an option that's not waterproof (NKK S335F & S332F) but not found waterproof versions yet. I'd never thought
finding switches would be so frustrating! Going for toggles with some form of IVA loop as I think these will be easiest to operate while bouncing
about. The bouncing about being the same reason I'm only looking for up or down switches rather than Up - Centre - Down. I've seen the
rubber splash boots but think these aren't really the look I'm after!
[Edited on 7/2/17 by WesBrooks]
posted on 7/2/17 at 12:26 PM |
I fitted waterproof "Condoms" to my switches, only because it made all the different switches look the same to help my OCD.
posted on 7/2/17 at 12:40 PM |
Yeah, the condoms are what I meant by the splash boots. Attention to detail is causing me an issue here as I'm trying to get them all looking
the same. I've got candidates for non waterproof versions but think condensation and the occasional splash may be an issue. Having said that I
don't intend to use water proof relays so they may not be the weak point anyway!
posted on 7/2/17 at 01:15 PM |
Don't think any of my switches were waterproof and they had a constant drenching as I used the kit as a daily over winter a couple years ago.
All still working and ok. I'd get what you want and forget waterproofing. Unless you're submerging them you should be fine with
rain/puddle splashes. I think waterproof switches is a bit OTT personally
posted on 7/2/17 at 07:07 PM |
Thanks for the comments, and the picture. I've found some half boots (sort of a gator) that take the switches I listed to IP65 on the front,
which is plenty for me! Don't really want to go wading deeper than floorpan level at any point. That's already knee deep! :-D