posted on 26/5/17 at 07:26 PM |
Dash Change
Looking to replace the standard Fire-blade clocks on my MK Indy with a digi type dash will this be difficult i.e. will I need a new wiring loom for
it, will the speedo work with the current set up, magnets on prop with a sensor running through a speedo healer, will I need to fit new sensors for
the oil pressure, water temp, fuel level and rev counter. Is it going to be a pain, should I bother?
zx12r dug
posted on 26/5/17 at 07:52 PM |
Hi I've built 4 mks with bike engines my first zx9 I used aftermarket clocks (smiths )which worked out quite expensive but the other 3 I used
the bike clocks as they were simple and had everything you need so to me I think I'd stay with the blade clock's and spend the money
posted on 27/5/17 at 05:16 AM |
Thanks zx12r dug, decision made, bike clocks remain then. Cheers
posted on 27/5/17 at 12:52 PM |
I'm just doing this and it's looking to be pretty straight forward. Ill post more details later
posted on 29/5/17 at 05:56 AM |
Thanks watsonpj I look forward to seeing how it went.