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Author: Subject: Stator AC Output?

posted on 5/5/18 at 12:34 PM Reply With Quote
Stator AC Output?

So I think my Stator (cbr900) is knackered. Resistances all test OK (0.5 ohm between each of the 3 connections and infinity to ground) but when the engine is running I only get 1-3 volts AC between the terminals.

Symptom started after I'd had them disconnected from the reg/rec and running for a bit to rule the reg/rec out of another issue I'm trying to solve.

Is it likely that a stator that's not connected to anything would fry itself?? Yet still read good with an ohmeter? There's no way they've shorted at any point, all wires were in a plug.

Swapping the stator will be an engine out job due to proximity to firewall so hoping someone can tell me something that means I don't have to do that!


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