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Author: Subject: 2003 Rover 45 Kseries pinouts ?

posted on 11/6/19 at 04:25 PM Reply With Quote
2003 Rover 45 Kseries pinouts ?

INTRO------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Dear all, currently building an atom with a 1.8 K series from a 2003 rover 45.
Using the 5AS, the MEMS3 and fobs from that rover

GOAL-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------

Getting it to run with the least faff... so the 5AS and MEMS just control the engine. Fan, fuel pump, starter relays I will have at my direct control.

PROBLEM----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------

The pinouts I am finding are different from the components I'm seeing, anyone with the correct ones ? Like 2 plug 5AS while the pinout is for one

With wire colours would be even better

CURRENT SET_UP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --

Currently I am directly powering the starter relais+pump

the 5AS is getting:

GREY plug: (colour - pin - what's it getting)
green/yellow - pin1 - + straight from battery (should be ign live)
Black - pin2 - - straight from battery (should be earth)
Black/White - pin9 - going to b/w from ECU (should be ECU feed)
pink - pin10 - left hanging (should be areal for key fob)
Black/green - pin23 - nothing
white/yellow - pin26 - +straight from battery (should be posi live)

WHITE plug:
pink/white and red/grey go to the RFID antenna at the ign barrel (no cuts, straight from factory loom)

the MEMS is getting:
first connector (pin 1-58) connected to factory engine loom
second connector pins (59-78) is weird cause I count 80 pins and the pin out talks about 78

only ones used are pin 59, 66, 73 directly to ground
pin 61 should be ign switch input, so I give it + from the battery
pin 72 is the black/white coming from 5AS

The engine loom has 3 more connections which I am not using at the moment:
the 'motor plug' for signals to the dash
the plug that normally goes to the breaker box (contains a lot of brown, not sure if I should wire it)
the big connector that normally goes to the breaker box which I think is the output of the alternator.

ACTIONS TAKEN------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

So I have no spark, and I don't know if I have fuel being injected... exhaust doesnt smell so I don't think so
I have tried pressing the lock botton on the key fob 8 times while the 5AS is under current ( and then unlocking)
I have a rave for a Freelander, but I find it less than useful

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posted on 11/6/19 at 09:20 PM Reply With Quote
This is my 5AS

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