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Author: Subject: Another speedo thread..

posted on 5/8/19 at 09:42 AM Reply With Quote
Another speedo thread..

I currently have the old Mk 2 ETB gauges (with the fully red needle), however, the speedo has started to have some electrical issues (speedo reads slow or not at all, trip and milometer flashing and failing). It's been repaired before at ETB apparently, however think it's end of life.

I'm going to replace both the speedo and rev counter with an Acewell Digidash as this will fit in the space left by the 2 gauges - my question is, will the ETB speedo sensor work with the Acewell or should I use the one that comes with the kit (trying to avoid having to take the tunnel trim off if I can).

Cheers :-)

[Edited on 5/8/19 by rm0rgan]

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posted on 5/8/19 at 11:16 AM Reply With Quote
What's the sensor on the ETB, the Acewell will be looking for a squarewave signal? Assuming the ETB uses either Hall sensor or reed switch then should be fine. Depending on how many pulses per revolution the ETB sensor is putting out you may need to change the P setting on the Acewell.

Don't forget Ollie at Furore Products will do you a 5% discount on the Acewell as a LCB member!

I no longer run Furore Products or Furore Cars Ltd, but would still highly recommend them for Acewell dashes, projector headlights, dominator headlights, indicators, mirrors etc, best prices in the UK! Take a look at or find more parts on Ebay, user names furoreltd & furoreproducts, discounts available for LCB users.
Don't forget Stainless Steel Braided brake hoses, made to your exact requirements in any of around 16 colours.

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posted on 5/8/19 at 12:20 PM Reply With Quote
Originally posted by russbost
What's the sensor on the ETB, the Acewell will be looking for a squarewave signal? Assuming the ETB uses either Hall sensor or reed switch then should be fine. Depending on how many pulses per revolution the ETB sensor is putting out you may need to change the P setting on the Acewell.

Don't forget Ollie at Furore Products will do you a 5% discount on the Acewell as a LCB member!

Cheers Russ - it's a standard Hall Sensor (but with 4 magnets on the prop shaft, not 2, so will need to change the P setting on the Acewell for sure). Discount noted :-)

Sigs are uncool.

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