spud u like
posted on 26/2/05 at 06:10 PM |
help! help!
can someone help me with the colour codes for the ford wiring swichers lights,wipers as i have looked at the manual for a week and dont understand it
thank you
posted on 26/2/05 at 06:28 PM |
From the top of my head...
Red is input (permanent)
Grey - is sidelight out.
Don't know rest - not got me book!
posted on 26/2/05 at 08:28 PM |
Which bit?
That's a bit too vague, can you elaborate? The switch wiring or the lighting, are you using the Sierra column switches and have you used relays?
You need the connectors and some tails left on them to connect to the switches and have you saved the Ford loom or are you making one?Red is permanent
live, brown is earth, black is switched live. I've lent my book out so I can't remember the rest but wired some indicators yesterday and
they worked.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 26/2/05 at 10:02 PM |
hope you are talking sierra switches.
I found it easier to play with the switches & a meter rather than the diagrams, the diagrams for a sierra are all confused with the dreaded
DIM/DIP system, it does help if you understand the basis principle of how they were designed.
The sidelights take a constant feed into the switch then out through the fusebox to the lights.(headlight switch position 1)
the headlight work through relays, constant feed goes into the two relays & out throught the fusebox to the bulbs, the relays are energised by
earthing them out through (headlight switch in position 2) but between the relays & the headlight switch is the dip/mainbeam switch on the other
stalk,this decides which relay is earthed, dip or mainbeam. the only other lights wire is an earth for flashing main beam which earths out the the
mainbeam relay,
dont try to run the headlights without relays, the switches wont take the load,
start with that & then move onto the other functions, come back to us if you are still stuck
ggo luck
posted on 26/2/05 at 10:27 PM |
The joys of very old wiring diagrams, when diagrams actually looked like the loom in the car, the current digrams (have been current for a long while)
are diabolical for working out what is what. 2 items close ogether in the diagrmas could actually be at other ends of the car for all the diagramstell
flak monkey
posted on 27/2/05 at 11:05 AM |
This may help....or may not.
Lucas wiring colour codes...here: