posted on 3/5/05 at 05:39 PM |
sierra stalks - heater switch
I have just bought a heater from the stonleigh show. I plan to plumb the two hot air pipes under the scuttle, into the foot well, as I have no screen
and don't want to cut into my scuttle panel. For the same reason, I don't want toput a fan speed switch onto the dash.
Is it OK to connect the redundant windscreen wiper arm on my sierra column to the heater fan. off, intermittant, normal fast will becom off slow
medium fast.
Will SVA man obect?
Also, with the fan off, will the heater still leak hot air or do I have to put a hot water switch in line for hot summer days?
posted on 4/5/05 at 07:01 AM |
quote: Originally posted by smart51
Is it OK to connect the redundant windscreen wiper arm on my sierra column to the heater fan. off, intermittant, normal fast will becom off slow
medium fast.
Will SVA man obect?
Also, with the fan off, will the heater still leak hot air or do I have to put a hot water switch in line for hot summer days?
Dont see why he should? He better not in fact as i'm planning on doing this for more SVA critical items like Fog lights, I think as long as (for
fog lights) they are clearly marked they cant criticise the arrangement. VWP sell nice sheets of legends for such things.
I would have thought there may be a slight leak if its allowed an air flow, but perhaps this wont matter if the roofs off and its only heating the
posted on 4/5/05 at 09:16 AM |
As i understand it, a switch must be clearly marked as to what it does. To be on the safe side I would remove/cover over the old markings and re mark
the stalk for fan control.
As for hot air, if the heater unit has a thermostat temperature control, then shut right down in summer, it should be plenty cool enough.
posted on 4/5/05 at 12:52 PM |
I don't have column stalks.
Just switches on the dash but none of them are marked and I passed fine
Who is this super hero? Sarge? ...No.
Rosemary, the telephone operator? ...No.
Penry, the mild-mannered janitor? ...Could be!
posted on 7/5/05 at 04:25 PM |
I've had another brain wave. The wiper arm also puls towards the wheel, originally for rear wipers. If I make this do the fog light, as well
as up/down doing the heater, is there any reason why SVA man would object?
posted on 7/5/05 at 08:56 PM |
I've got fog lights on wiper one and fuel pump primer on washer button.
I think you just need to be careful to wire the fog lamps so they will ONLY come on with main lights.