posted on 30/9/05 at 10:03 AM |
Electronic Speedo Magnets
One or two of my magnets have fallen off despite plenty of epoxy. Mistake was to remove the tape that I had put on for added security but decided I
didn't need
Replacements from Europa are £5.00 each so I was thinking what else could I use.
Would fridge magnets do as I could raid my daughters fridge magnet making set and cut them up.
Or any other ideas?
posted on 30/9/05 at 10:09 AM |
You could try contacting ETB for some replacement magnets - depending of course on what type of gauges you have.
posted on 30/9/05 at 10:16 AM |
Maplins sell some small powerfull magnets that may be suitable, i think fridge magnets may be to weak.
posted on 30/9/05 at 10:38 AM |
I'd try ETB too, I have found them very helpful and knowledgeable. Don't know what they would charge though.
posted on 30/9/05 at 03:00 PM |
I ordered some from ETB a while ago, they were something like 1 quid each so I got plenty for a fiver (in case I lose it in the future), they asked me
to send a stamped envelope together with a 5 note, basically the order was too cheap to do bank transfers or anything like that. So we decided that
sending coins wasn't good, and I went for the "lots of magnets" option.
posted on 30/9/05 at 04:56 PM |
Maplins or Farnell.
Any magnet will do.
Don't go to ETB or the likes or you will get stung.
No trees were killed in the sending of this message.
However a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.
posted on 30/9/05 at 06:12 PM |
i used the flexy magnet in a fridge door seal,held on with double sided tape and 2 cable ties over the lot,hasnt fallen off in 2 years,got some spare
if ya need it
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 1/10/05 at 08:32 AM |
the magnets out of extendable pick up tools work well.
50p a piece at any market around the country
posted on 1/10/05 at 01:18 PM |
Funny I did think about theh magnet tools myself today as I have one. Might have to raid a few market stalls.
Thanks for all the response guys.