posted on 6/1/06 at 07:54 PM |
ZX12-R not starting
Problem is:
The startmotor works oke but the ignition and fuelinjectors don't work.
Anyone got a idee ??
I've got a 100 ohm resistor in the grey wire from the ignition system. Is this oke ??
Folowing the book then maybe the computer is dead.....
Computer has good power and all the wires are cheked twice.
Thanks Smartripper
posted on 6/1/06 at 08:59 PM |
had the same on a zx9
not saying this will work,
remove all the earth wires and refit them and try it!
sound silly but it worked on mine !
dont remove any outher wires just the earth!
might just be a silly bug on mine!
posted on 6/1/06 at 09:29 PM |
Do the clocks calibrate on ignition priming - do the rev and speedo wind round to max and return?
There is a self diagnosis you can enter to find any fault via the FI light - the codes I believe are in the manual.
Going fishin'
posted on 6/1/06 at 09:33 PM |
Yep the clocks do calibrate itself.
The ecu is giving no code.
Just when we start it the engine goes round and de FI light is blinking.
There is nothing about it in the manual, just codes but not about blinking.
posted on 6/1/06 at 09:50 PM |
Just got a U2U sugesting maybee the feul pump is not working, is there a chance that when that not work that there will be no spark and fuelinjection
Maybe a try and make a electric bridge so the pump must work then i can see wat will work or not.
posted on 6/1/06 at 10:30 PM |
Before you do that tripper - make sure you have all of the sensors connected.
Atmopheric Air Pressure Sensor (Hooked Tube Sensor)
Inlet Air Temperature Sensor(found in airbox)
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor(near cam cover)
Failure to connect any 1 of these will give you the results you suggest.
Going fishin'
posted on 6/1/06 at 10:31 PM |
Have you tried removing the spark plugs and turning the engine over first?
Has the battery got sufficient power?
Is the gearbox in neutral?
Just a few simple checks like these might throw up something.
[Edited on 6-1-06 by Hellfire]
posted on 6/1/06 at 10:36 PM |
the engine is turning over just no spark and no fuel trou the injectors
posted on 6/1/06 at 10:43 PM |
Sounds like a safety issue - have you taken the clutch switch out?
Going fishin'
posted on 7/1/06 at 08:17 AM |
found this over here:
AS for the wiring assuming you have the same model as me (The ECU plugs
are 2x34 pins). Usual disclaimer... check check and recheck your own
circuit diagram.... it's your responsibility not mine. This is what I
THINK I did :-)
Look at the circuit diagram on 2-22
1. The resistor = 100ohms in the Grey wire that runs from 10 amp ign
switched feed to pin 39 on ECU. This line gets it's power from the white
line on the bike via the ign switch (item 17) . I power this line from my
dashboard ign switch.
2. Defeating the interlocks
Earth pin 20 - Light Green..... This knocks out the need for the side
standswitch, and the clutch lever interlock, and helps you remove the
3. Power feeds into loom.
The white wire is unswitched main power feed it is feed via a 15 amp fuse
in the battery box (item 31) . It feeds the ignition switch where it
becomes switched and Brown and returns to the main fuse box (22 & 23),
where it passes through a 10amp fuse and becomes Brown\White. Again I
power the Brown line via the dash board ign switch and a 10 amp fuse.
I have connected brown - brown white outside the main fuse box as my 10amp
fuse is elsewhere. With the interlocks defeated this meant that I could
ditch the fuse box.
The Brown line also feeds the ECU relay energising coil
The white Line is the main loom feed via the main 15amp fuse in the
battery box in the bike. I simply run it from an unswitched feed and
15amp fuse on my dash.
4. Kill switch connections (19)
The kill switch has a Brown White (10 amp ign switched) feed from the
fuse box
box, this returns as a red line which feeds the stick coils, the starter
button, pin 32 on the ECU (detect engine stop switch off). This red line
also feeds the ECU relay energising coil. It needs to be held at 12v if
the engine is to run.
I directly linked this red line to my brown\white 10amp protected ign
switched feed to remove the kill switch.
5.Connect the Black\Red line that runs from the start button to ECU pin 28
to the switched side of your starter button. It also provides power via
the main starter relay in the fuse box to run the starter motor. The
starter relay in the fusebox (24) is energised by the interlocks system
so this can now be ignored. Therefore connect Black\Red line from your
starter button directly to the yellow red line that feeds the relay.
6. I also did things like connect the FI indicator (item 21 and ECU pin
33) to warning LED on my Dashboard, and brought the ECU test switch (item
35, pins 54 & 61) to a push button on my dash.
posted on 7/1/06 at 06:32 PM |
Small update, the engine is turning over, but on ignition normal the fuelpump will work for 3 or 10 sec, but it didn't.
Then i checked the diagram and fuelpump, injectors and spark is on the same wiring....
I'am going too check all the wiring monday and see what there is.
The sidestand switch do you contact it too ground or leave it open ??
posted on 7/1/06 at 10:46 PM |
I'm sure you earth the sidestand switch.
If your fuel system is the same as mine - you will have one feed to the engine - no return. Therefore, your fuel pump will cut out when it reaches
Going fishin'
posted on 9/1/06 at 07:57 PM |
A small update.
No broken wires....
But the vehicle down sensor, does anyone no off it can be bypassed ???
because if it is broke then it shut down the pump, injectors and spark.
posted on 9/1/06 at 08:09 PM |
Does anyone no what kind of voltage there must be on the grey wire at the ecu side....
I know there must be a 100 ohm resistor in it but what kind of voltage dit i need...
I don't want too buy a new computer yet.
I'ts very expensive....