posted on 27/8/06 at 10:46 AM |
Pinto + electronic spark
2.1 pinto + weber 32/36 DGV carb + 1.6 pinto electronic ignition set-up. Engine has been running fine before now and never failed to start. Started
it up last night no problem, then it died and wouldn't re-start.
No spark at distributor or plugs, but leads are new and tested ok for resistance.
Coil primary and secondary winding resistances messure Ok, but coil is from donor car so unknown quantity.
Is it possible to test the Motorcraft ignition amplifier (from scrappy)? if so how?
Any other suggestions?
Want to go for a private road driving sessio today while it's not raining
posted on 27/8/06 at 11:12 AM |
right just reconnected the coil after checking resistances earlier and it started first time and runs fine....?
Could this point to a nearly knackered coil...?
primary R=1.2 Ohms (hanynes R=0.72 to 0.88)
secondary R=5.28k Ohms (haynes R=4.5k to 8.6k)
posted on 27/8/06 at 12:13 PM |
Hi Mark,
Had figured something like this, but good to get another opnion. Off to get a new coil it is then
posted on 29/8/06 at 11:15 AM |
Ive had problems with my similar ignition set up. I started with brand new dizzy and amp.
Car was great for a while. Then started misbehaving when hot. Got worse and worse till it stopped altogether. Coil was iffy so was replaced but main
culprit turned out to be the amplifier. I suspect it was cos i fitted it to a plastic sheet (overheated - no heat sinking). Ive since replaced it and
mounted it on large ali sheet and touch wood no probs since.
posted on 29/8/06 at 11:37 AM |
Hi Darren - useful info thanks!
I've got a new coil to fit tonight, which should solve the problem. My ignition amp is mounted on the original ally heatsink plate, which is
bolted directly to the steel bulkhead inside the engine bay, so hopefully should be OK.
posted on 1/9/06 at 05:32 PM |
new coil fitted = problem solved