posted on 30/5/03 at 08:20 AM |
Brake light switch thoughts?
While fitting our new engine, we are also converting our pedals as the original setup didn't have enough leverage so it was a bit on / off. We
are going for floor mounted, but this means the Escort "push to break" switch is going to be in the way of yer foot! Any other ideas? I
was wondering if there is a pressure activated switch you can fit in the brake line pipe somewhere?
posted on 30/5/03 at 08:28 AM |
Yes there are pressure switches out there, i know some old rovers had them... its a case of either going to a scrappy and having a nose around or your
friendly motor factors, i bet some one on here will be able to tell you what car they come from...
posted on 30/5/03 at 08:58 AM |
Conrod told me yesterday which car to get them off but I've forgotten. John???
My gaff my rules
posted on 30/5/03 at 09:07 AM |
Old minis had them but they weren't metric, but that shouldn't be a problem as long as you buy fittings all at the same time.
yours, Pete.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
posted on 30/5/03 at 10:56 AM |
I'm pretty sure Bob told me his comes from a VW Golf.
posted on 30/5/03 at 03:36 PM |
We got ours from our local Partco factors after finding the part number on a self build website. Can't remember what the site was and I
can't find it right now, but the car was called a Stryker (the guy's name was Richard). He has a comprehensive list of parts and suppliers
for everything on his car... very useful as he is quite local... shame it isn't a Locost! Perhaps AndyD will know the site address or the part
number when he reads this.
posted on 30/5/03 at 03:41 PM |
StuartA, is this the one you're thinking of? Very useful site, very nice car too!!
Not exactly locost at best part of 10 grand. But 380kg wet weight!! Holy crp!!
[Edited on 30/5/2003 by GO]
posted on 30/5/03 at 04:37 PM |
vw golf mk1 and various other quality products from the same company ie LT vans
who cares who wins
pass the pork pies
posted on 1/6/03 at 10:06 PM |
think i have seen summat in the europa spares catalog if all else fails......
can you use a motorbike type setup? Its sometimes a pull switch using a spring in tension - a bit of pedal movement pulls the switch on via the spring
and the spring copes with the excess extra travel
posted on 1/6/03 at 10:13 PM |
I got mine from them was about 6 quid in M10 fit as the rest of the the car,makes it a bit easier.
Theres a pic in my archive of it in situ.
posted on 2/6/03 at 08:26 AM |
Thanks folks- looks like that one from Merlin is the way to go- couldn't find anything in my europa catalogue (although it could be me being a
bit blind...)