posted on 25/7/07 at 09:48 AM |
Savage switches wiring question?
Hi all,
quicj question, now i feel the end is in sight and may well be done in aq couple of weeks, I'm finishing off the dash.
I have three savage switches
Fog, Horn and Fan, Can anyone tell me if they need to be wired up on relays or is the switch man enough to stand the current?
many thanks in adavance
posted on 25/7/07 at 09:56 AM |
What are the current ratings of the switches?
posted on 25/7/07 at 10:10 AM |
fog and horn should be fine but would run the fan through a relay and use the switch as an overide for the relay.
i believe there rated at 10 or 15amps but not100% certain
A pint for the gent and a white wine/fruit based drink for the lady. Those are the rules
posted on 25/7/07 at 10:37 AM |
I would run all three through relays.
posted on 25/7/07 at 03:43 PM |
They are rated at 6A iirc so the fog is ok (approx 2A for a 21W bulb) but the fan will definitely need a relay. The horn depends on the current
consumption but to be on the safe side I would use a relay too.
When thinking outside the box doesn't work any more, it's time to build a new box