posted on 13/4/08 at 05:55 AM |
Thanks to Malc of Yorkshire Engines
I was experiencing trouble starting the 2007 R1 in the SprintR and after a couple of phone calls to Malc and a load of help on the phone from Chris
Mason (thanks loads Chris!) Malc decided to up sticks and do the 5-6 hour round trip to give me a hand with the engine he supplied.
He brought a £700 "kit loom" and a £1000 worth of ECU's and after a load of plugging, swapping and testing we got it
I know he is offered thanks a few times on this forum, but that doesn't mean he deserves the thanks any less now!
Thanks Malc, you're a top bloke and as I said I'll buy you that Pint (of Coke) at Stoneleigh!
I can crack on with the build now! It's been stood being bored in my yard for about 3 weeks!
posted on 13/4/08 at 06:30 AM |
Hi Steve, your quite right he does deserve thanks as he goes out of his way for lots of people, he helped me no end when we could not sort the wiring
and get the busa to run (knackered ecu) he also helped me sort the emisions out for sva, lending parts etc, TOP MAN.