posted on 29/5/08 at 09:07 PM |
wiring in trans tunnel
am trying to get everything in the transmission tunnel before i start to put the prop in as it will be a pain to do after have got the fuel flow and
return in and brake pipe but dont know what to do about the wiring is there a standard loom to feed the rear end or should i just put a load of wires
in with enough extra at the ends to connect after if i do this how many wires? what have you lot done am abit stuck any help please adam
posted on 29/5/08 at 09:16 PM |
I ran all the wires through split conduit and left the wires bare where I needed them. ie. 3 wires each side for lights and indicators, 1 for thr fog
light, 1 for the fuel tank, and one for the fuel pump, 1 for the handbrake switch. Run about 4 earth wires as well. Then fastened it onto the chassis
rail so the tunnel was finished to get the prop in, the same as your thinking
Just leave plenty at the ends for when you wire them up. I used plugs at the front so the rear harness comes apart from the front bit.
1972 V8 Jago
1980 Z750
posted on 29/5/08 at 09:24 PM |
do the electrics have to be clipped the same as fuel and brake lines (150mm) and using p clips
Mark G
posted on 29/5/08 at 09:27 PM |
I'm planning on using 7 core trailer cable. perfect for the job. May have to run 2 lots though or just a couple of extra cables.
posted on 29/5/08 at 09:43 PM |
I've done mine p clipped ever 6 inches but i think 150mm is what is in the sva manual. Make sure its protected )that corregated plastic tube
stuff is good). Its recommended to keep it as far away as possible in the tunnel from the fuel and braking pipes also.
My MNR Blog Updated Jan 2010 - Track Day Prep Begins!
rick q
posted on 29/5/08 at 11:44 PM |
On mine, the fuel and wiring are run in a steel tube, welded down the inside of the tunnel.
It proved its worth when I broke a prop shaft which flailed around and partially flattened the tube (though the "contents" were safe).
Had the steel tube not been there, there's every likelihood both the wiring and fuel lines would have been cut, which would have made hitting
the brakes to stop an interesting (and incendiary) experience with cut fuel lines and cut wiring right beside me!
Prop shaft hoops are also highly recommended as a result!!
posted on 30/5/08 at 10:55 AM |
I'm with MarkG here, 2 lots of trailer cable p clipped to the tunnel. Very neat, saves wrapping that part of the loom
Because kits are for girls!!
Mark G
posted on 13/6/08 at 08:40 PM |
quote: Originally posted by bassett
I've done mine p clipped ever 6 inches but i think 150mm is what is in the sva manual.
Can anyone confirm this, I've done mine to 250mm between clips because I thought the sva regs were 300mm?
Please get back if you know as I'll have to drill some more holes if thats the case.
posted on 14/6/08 at 05:55 PM |
Your right Mark, SVA book state 300mm max for wiring (exept where it goes through hollow components). No measure ment is listed for brake or fuel
pipes; Just properly secured.
Mark G
posted on 15/6/08 at 12:26 PM |
Thats a relief, thanks.