Well, slow progress so far, the first circuit I linked to proved to be useless, I've had 2 of them now & can't get either of them to
read voltage, never mind set voltages that are required to differentiate between - the instructions are useless & when going into the settings
there are some there that don't even appear in the instructions!
I then purchased one of these
link which on the bench appeared to do what I wanted, however, when I fitted it to the car it immediately failed, I thought I'd shorted
something out, but on trying a second unit with a great deal more care, same result!
I think it is something to do with the way it presents & "looks at" the voltage, I suspect it might work if it was run from a
completely separate power supply, I think there is some sort of crossover on the earth path which effectively shorts something within the unit.
So, back to square one, have now ordered all the components to make one of the circuits suggested, will report back in due course
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