posted on 30/10/09 at 06:53 PM |
Diode in indicator circuit
Just checking the lighting circuits after extending/modifing the ZX9R wiring harness and found a diode in the output wire from the indicator relay,
it's marked IN5408 and Google comes up with a 3amp silicon rectifier, it has a resistance of 2K ohm.
The question is, has the wiring been modified, for LED indicators for example or is this standard. I'll be using 21watt bulbs so should I cut
this out of the circuit?
Ta muchly
posted on 30/10/09 at 07:04 PM |
I ws told to insert one diode on one indicator to ensure correct operation of hazards, I don't know why but it works.
my build mac1motorsports
Steve G
posted on 30/10/09 at 07:22 PM |
isnt this due to the ZX9R clocks having only a single indicator warning light??
posted on 30/10/09 at 10:46 PM |
I had a C1 ZX9R and it had 2 warning lights, one for each side. Not sure about the diode as I made up my own loom using the sierra switches, but I
still used the ZX9R inicator relay.
posted on 31/10/09 at 11:59 AM |
The relay is the original from the bike, it's marked for 21watt bulbs and the resistor is between the relay and the indicator switch, so, my way
of thinking is that the indicator bulbs on the bike are 10watt and the diode is to make the relay work with the lower wattage bulbs. Does this sound
right? Or am I talking cobblers?
posted on 31/10/09 at 11:21 PM |
The diodes are usually used to allow operation of the hazards without affecting the indicators if a complex multi-pole switch isn't used for
switching the hazards on.