posted on 30/10/09 at 08:26 PM |
Push Start and ignition button questions
Hi all
Ok im in the middle of working on a custom wiring loom, that will see all the unwanted wiring stripped form the car.
I also intend to use a Push Starter Button so i can do away with the ignition barrel and steering lock.
This is the panel I have
Now with the ignition barral removed, obviously I need an ignition switch.
You see I'm not if i should just wire that switch ignition switch with the red flip-up cover into the Starter circuit
It has to be switched ON before pressing the starter button and then can be switched off after so the starter cannot be accidently started if the
button his hit
And use one of the other switches as the Ignition On and Fuel Pump.
Or use that ignition switch with the red flip-up cover which has to be lifted to turn the ignition switch on.
However I'm worried about if the flip up flap managed to accidently flip down it will turn the ignition off. Not the best thing to happen when
Im just wondering how many of you have these red flip-up covers and if they ever managed to turn the switches off?
What type of custom setups to you lot run?
What are your thoughs/experiences.
posted on 30/10/09 at 08:37 PM |
I'm runninr a key operated switch on the dash for the ignition switch. If you just use that panel then can't anybody just start your car
Wiring the push and the covered switch in series isn't a bad idea but probably not needed.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:12 PM |
there is that issue but its not an everyday car left outside
plus there is an FIA cutoff switch that is removed from the car when its in the garage.
just want to know about these aircraft type flap things
they ever accidently knock themselves off?
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:16 PM |
i don't think it would pass IVA like that (unless you have some transponder immobiliser or something)
but they don't accidentally switch themselves off.
when you have the switch on, the cover rest on it, like in the photo, and you have to hit it fairly hard to switch it off
IVA manual link http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?type=RESOURCES&itemId=1081997083
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:22 PM |
ye thats what im worried about the bump bit dont want the ignition switched off accidently!
The car is a Citroen AX - intended for track days/hill climbing/sprint etc
so would it need to pass an IVA?
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:26 PM |
You'll need 2 forms of security for IVA. Key switch counts as one, so coupled with an immobiliser you're OK. Not sure FIA style key will
be recognised as one as all the keys are the same (some passed SVA with one and others didn't).
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:34 PM |
Being that the car has a V5 and been on the road for 15 years does it need a IVA?
(not sure what IVA is mind! - know that kit cars need to be SVA'd)
And the car never came with an immobilser on. its a basic french tin can with not CL/EW PAS etc etc
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:50 PM |
Ahh. Sorry, I assumed it was a kit build not a mod' on an existing registered car.
"A witty saying proves nothing" Voltaire
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:54 PM |
Its ok i should have really specified that it was on a registered car. 1st time i posted on a kit car forum
But back onto my original question,
it is ok to use that switch with the red flap as an ignition on switch
or shall i remove the red flap.
Has anyone had prolbems with these red flaps turning switches off?
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:56 PM |
sorry, i assumed it was to pass IVA too, put if its got a V5 and 15 years old, it;ll be fine.
never heard of one turning off itself either. fitted to many, many a race car, and take quite a thump to switch off
IVA manual link http://www.businesslink.gov.uk/bdotg/action/detail?type=RESOURCES&itemId=1081997083
don't write OT on a new thread title, you're creating the topic, everything you write is very much ON topic!
David Jenkins
posted on 30/10/09 at 09:58 PM |
Those switches are designed for the job - the idea is that you reach under the red bit and lift the switch to turn the ignition off (obviously!) but
you can hit the cover in an emergency to cut the power.
It takes a firm push to turn the switch off using the cover - it won't go off by itself (the cover weighs very little, and won't have the
momentum to knock the switch off).
posted on 30/10/09 at 10:07 PM |
thanks all.
think ill go with that
just got to sort out the custom loom now!
are there any wiring diagrams etc on here?
havent search yet. just joined up