posted on 12/1/10 at 02:32 PM |
4 wire lambda sensor
I got one from a scrappy, 2 white 1 black and 1 grey... how do I wire it up?
rusty nuts
posted on 12/1/10 at 02:41 PM |
2 white are for the heating circuit
grey is earth
black is signal
posted on 12/1/10 at 02:59 PM |
do both white have to be +12v then?
posted on 12/1/10 at 03:05 PM |
No, one to earth, one to +12v.
posted on 12/1/10 at 04:13 PM |
Useful Lambda Wiring Info
posted on 12/1/10 at 05:46 PM |
so its basically 2 circuits, one for the heater and the other for the signal right? hence can I earth one white to the grey? IE same earthing point on
the chassis?
also black goes to (as in my case) Megasquirt right?
posted on 12/1/10 at 05:58 PM |
This answers my own question:
Link in PDF