posted on 13/1/10 at 09:48 PM |
rev counter issue??
I had an auto spark look at the problem with my indy and he couldnt find what was wrong.
Basically, i have a smithes rev counter gauge and i have an elecltronic gauge by translogic which tells me what gear i am in and the revs.
I cannot seem to run the 2 together, i have piggybacked off the wire going in to the translogic gauge and when i do that it shuts off the smithes
gauge and then only the electrical one work, then you plug it back out of the translogic one and the smithes gauge works again.
I plugged the wire out the back of the smithes gauge and in to the translogic one and then that works so it is the correct wire.
Does anyone no the problem and what i need to do??
austin man
posted on 13/1/10 at 10:04 PM |
Have you tried two wires from the coil, it souns as though your running the gauge in series ie one through the other which may affect the pulse going
to the rev counter (smiths)
Life is like a bowl of fruit, funny how all the weird looking ones are left alone
posted on 13/1/10 at 10:41 PM |
the coil? where would that be?
posted on 14/1/10 at 10:11 AM |
We need to know what signal the smiths and the other guage requires - do you have this info?
Presumably both connect to the switched terinal of the coil.
Does the engine run properly when both guages are connected?
Are you able to post photo of the rear of the smiths guage - does it have model number?
posted on 14/1/10 at 10:16 AM |
quote: Originally posted by evo.rocks
the coil? where would that be?
find the engine - usually at the front of the car under the bonnet.
the engine will have a number of leads going to it - the spark plug leads - follow them way from the engine and they will go to a plastic dome shaped
thing - the distributor cap.
this cap will have one more lead - follow this and it will take you to the coil. this is a metal cylinder about the size of a can of red bull. there
will be smaller wires attached to the coil - one of these will go to the rev counter.
if you car uses electronic igntion, you may find the engine uses coil packs - usally a cube shaped plastic object to whcih the 4 spark leads go to.