posted on 30/4/10 at 02:20 PM |
I can do CAN
Almost finished testing, but results so far are positive. My CAN to serial converter is finished, just requires a case to be machined up. It will be
able to be reflashed with a new program as required for different ECUs.
I have the CAN protocol for Emerald, if anyone has data on other ecus/ data formats I would be most grateful.
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posted on 30/4/10 at 02:29 PM |
anything you can do
I wonder what Darren is on about.
Now, about my carbs and points.
Where did that go?
posted on 30/4/10 at 04:19 PM |
Points. Pah. Fancy modern rubbish. I need to sort my magneto.
posted on 30/4/10 at 04:25 PM |
magneto, pah devils work. Now off to adjust the balls on my governor valve.
Never argue with an idiot. They drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience.
imp paul
posted on 30/4/10 at 04:34 PM |
or its good to use a wibble switch most of the time