posted on 5/7/11 at 03:03 PM |
Smiths speedo
Problems with my Smiths speedo wiring. I have connected the clock as per wires required but am stumped by the magnetic pick up sensor wiring. I fitted
it to the diff housing years ago and have fixed the magnets to the diff flange, i just cant figure out which wires to connect them too at the speedo
head i have the wiring diagram but it does nt seem to clear any help on this greatly appreciated.
posted on 5/7/11 at 06:24 PM |
The "Smiths" electronic speedos are made by Caerbont AFAIK, they have instructions on their web
posted on 5/7/11 at 09:32 PM |
Ive been on their site but it dosent really give a lot of info on the magnetic proximity sensor, the problem is their is two wires on the sensor and
the instructions for the clock are pretty crappy,
Green wire - Live feed to speedo USED
Black wire- earth USED
Brown/Slate wire- speedo illumination when ignition off NOT USED
Red/White wire- Power supply for speedo lamp sidelight feed USED
Red Wire- Only need if using a hall effect sensor, connect to a live feed NOT USED
White/Black wire-Connection for speed signal input from the hall effect sensor or, Electronic Control Unit or, Magnetic sensor using a reed switch
NOT USED (But not sure what it means i dont think my sensor is a reed switch im sure its just an inductive sensor)
Red/Blue wire- Connection for speed signal input form a magnetic proximity sensor,tion off. If required connect to a live feed NOT USED just to add i
have not copied the "sensor.tion off" part wrong it says that on that site so im confused with that too lol
Light green wire- Not used in this application
It dosent mention the wiring for the sensor at all and tried to look on europas site where i bought it from but drawn a blank there too