posted on 30/11/11 at 12:56 PM |
Nosecone indicator position
I have been looking through the IVA manuall and it has left me a little confused as to the correct position of the front indicators. Obviously they
are mounted on the nose cone, but the height from the ground or a maximum height has got me a little not sure!! Any suggestions please or is it a case
of reading the manual again and again until it sinks in?
Any one who has passed IVA please let me know distances, heights etc so I can drill the nose cone only the once!!!
Thanks in advance
posted on 30/11/11 at 01:10 PM |
They need to be above 350mm high, and 400mm or less from the widest point of the car. (Most likely the rear arches)
posted on 30/11/11 at 01:15 PM |
This is from the SVA guidelines but they are the same for IVA reguarding the indicators.
Should make it clearer..
posted on 30/11/11 at 01:47 PM |
Thank you!